Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,465,024 Issue: 649 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Respect is a vital part to everyone's enjoyment of this year's Altador Cup.

Interview With Keetra

Ever since the first modern Altador Cup eight years ago, Keetra Deile, the captain of Team Virtupets, has dazzled yooyuball enthusiasts all over Neopia with her tenaciousness and style, both on and off the pitch. This young Cybunny's effort paid off when she led Virtupets to their first ever Altador Cup championship in Y9...

Power-up Paradigms

There's no shortage of theatrics down on the field, and most of the movie-magic quality of the game owes itself to four little badges that do some very big things. Players and spectators alike know them as the power-ups, and these randomly-appearing boons can turn any game upside down in a matter of seconds. Their...

Mid-Altador Cup Crisis

You might feel like you're so far behind on your rank goal that you're considering just leaving the whole thing until next year (if you haven't already). But never fear, that's where I'm here to lend a hand! There are two ways to go about getting yourself back on track with the motivation to finish...

Other Stories
"Miscalculations" by psychedelicreature
There were two things that Nibs Alabaster never left his neohome without: a working retractable pen, and a small notepad that he kept in his jacket's pocket. Ever since he had first been assigned the task of buying food for his guild, he carried...

"Where the Wind Blows Wild" by saphira_27
Kanrik leaned against a wall, surveying the little town of Brilforge. It wasn't particularly remarkable in any way – there were many towns like it nestled in the passes of the Great Mountains, the spine of Neopia's biggest continent...

"Pretence" by ladylifeless
For as long as she could remember, every shirt to grace her back had been handed down to her. Her too-thin limbs barely clung onto the clothes that were stained in a way that could not be simply scrubbed away. The acrid smell that clung to them...

Everybody Wins

This week's issue is brought to you by: Tug 'O' War
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Tea Time: Time To Train?
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Mauwee and The Mysterious Egg Part 8
Dejected, Mauqee slowly walked away...

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Embracing Change (Nervously)
Elevenna had never seen so many neopets in one place.

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The Unexpected NC Mall Journey: Part One
Maggie slowly opened her eyes, just as the sun began shining through her window and lighting up her room. It was a beautiful morning! At least, it should have been.

by navygreengolf


A Look At Altador Cup Team Logos And Colors
Have you ever wondered what went into making a team's logo?

by pikachu315111

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