White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 192,312,185 Issue: 641 | 18th day of Eating, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"That's enough," Valrigard said sharply. "An insult to my personal squire is an insult to me. You are not a knight or squire so I cannot ask satisfaction of you, though I would not in any case given the fact that you are still a child. However, I will be putting in a recommendation with your instructors that you receive remedial etiquette lessons. Any the academy already provided you clearly did not sink in. Now be gone from my sight, boy."

Top 10 Most Beautiful Neggs

With so many beautiful neggs to choose from, how do you pick a favourite? Well, the answer is, you don't. I myself, am drawn to a few neggs, some more-so than others, but no negg is a clear winner. To celebrate this year's Negg Festival, here is a my list of Top 10 Most Beautiful Neggs in Neopia!

Clockwork Negg Puzzle Revisited

Remember two years ago when we had a nice little mini plot involving a journal and finding the mysterious clockwork negg? When everybody was convinced that Selvin the wizard had the clockwork negg, but in actuality it was Rutu? I thought it would be fun to revisit that fun logic puzzle we got to do...

Common Neohome Pests

The nervous rustling of Albats in the attic, or that unmistakable whiff of Miamouse in the pantry... For many Neohome owners, these are causes of distress, annoyance, or even (most terribly) expenditure. Neohome pest removalists are a ruthless bunch, as is well known...

Other Stories
"The Color Yellow" by goodsigns
Yellow_Cheese_Burger bounced a ball against the wall of the room; it bounced back to him with a comfortable, somewhat satisfying rhythm. He was feeling upset, for no particular reason. The ball bounced back and forth, back and forth. "Yellow?" Lina called. "Yellow, are you in your room?"

"The Mystery of the Kougra Paw" by alphachicky
It all started as a fairly normal day. I was sitting at my desk, writing up the report summary of my latest case. I had successfully solved a mystery for some inhabitants of a 'haunted house', and wanted to complete a write up of it to prove my detective...

"The Snow Kougra" by vanillaskys20
Kira dashed out the door of the Soup Kitchen with her precious bundle in her hands. The bowl of soup was wrapped carefully to go and it kept her fingers warm through her threadbare gloves. The soup of the day was potato and sweetcorn, one of Kira's favorites. Usually the Soup Kitchen...

Found All The Neggs Yet?

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Festival of Neggs
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Great stories!


Pant Devil Woes
The facial hair makes all the difference.

by msjanny


The Little Pea: Part One
Dawn crawled across Faerieland in a burst of golden radiance...

by nycflowergirl


The Mystery of the Kougra Paw
It all started as a fairly normal day. I was sitting at my desk, writing up the report summary of my latest case.

by alphachicky


All in a day's work.

by chinthe


The Next Goal
"I think we'd better get a move on; someone is pretty excited!" Kai apologised to the bank manager.

by swimmingstar01

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