For an easier life Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Oh, it's just a little trick I picked up on my home planet; the art of telekinesis. Moving objects with your mind. Quite tricky to master, but it comes in very handy for us Mallow Grundos!"

Quintessential Quiggles

As we celebrate Quiggle Day, I thought it would be interesting to take an in depth look at the Quiggle species. Quiggles were originally known as Frogstomps and were introduced to Neopia on the 18th Day of Eating, Year 2. Just a few months later the Frogstomp evolved into the Quiggle. Quiggles are fun-loving and goofy aquatic Neopets that live near ponds and swamps. They are brave, adventurous creatures...

"Obelisk Skirmishes"

We must never forget what happens to Neopians when we fail to join in a common cause. Neopia must understand the long-term effects of our choice to form factions against our fellow citizens. In short, we citizens of Neopia must learn to deal with the consequences of the terrible War of the Obelisk. Those consequences include the aforementioned skirmishes, as well as a vast confusion of terms among many...

99+ Problems: Lenny Conundrum

In honor of the upcoming 500th Lenny Conundrum, we will walk you through the solutions to all of the puzzles from the past two years. Some are simple, some are quite in-depth, and a few are just a matter of guessing! We've analyzed every LC solution from round 400 to round 495, given them each a category and difficulty, and explained their solutions. In order to keep the...

Other Stories
"The Tree of Pillar Grove" by blueys45
"It's busted to the point where I might as well make a new one right from scratch. Which I can do, but it'll take me a few days." Everyone else in the room accepted Dimitri's answer, but Flicker wasn't as relaxed about the situation. "Uh, but what's going to happen to the air in here in the meantime? Will we have to live somewhere else until we get a new..."

"Adopting the Awakened" by cannizarro
"I don't remember ever having parents, do you, Lillie?" Lanie asked, turning to her sister. "I don't remember ever having parents either," Lillie answered. "We did ask someone to be our daddy once. We buried him in one of these graves when we were playing hide and seek. He never came to find us. Do you think he's still here?"

"Too Hot to Handle" by dr0pz
"It'll just be a quick interview, very general questions, no curveballs today." The primly-dressed news reporter Shoyru grinned, exposing every single one of her pearly, camera-ready teeth. "Aldric? Are you listening? Does that work?" Her clicking pen snapped the Kougra snapped out of his nerves-induced daze. Every year, every Altador Cup...

Pretty Pictures!

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Art Gallery
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A Pirate's Tale: Dark Lullaby - Part One
Leglus felt like he'd been swimming for days. Xweetoks, he decided, pirate or not, were just not made to swim...

by kandeegrrl


Seasonal Foods of Neopia: Vegetables
If you're a health nut like me, you know that fruits and vegetables are very important in your diet.

by blessed_faerie


Yooyuball Changes… Almost
There's been a lot of buzz around the stadium.

Also by kevkutout

by horse_lovee


The Mysterious Case of the Missing Skeith: Part Eight
"Well, looky here!" said one of the crew members. "Customers already. Word 'bout our loot be spreadin' fast."

Also by fuliguline

by creambiskit


*Face Palm* 4
Your toys are everywhere.

Idea by bananerr

by glitterrpop

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