Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 189,010,903 Issue: 546 | 25th day of Hunting, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I also happen to be the one who makes sure that forgotten cities never rise again."

Neopia's Insight: Zafaras

To introduce a new series in the Neopian Times, Neopia's Insight, I have decided to kick off with a fabulous Neopet species: the Zafara. Zafaras are my all-time favorite so I would like to kindly share with the rest of Neopia the amazingness of Zafaras. I'll talk about Zafaras themselves, popular paint jobs, items, and MORE! Plus, there will even be a nifty quiz at the end to test YOUR knowledge on Zafaras. So, without further ado, enjoy Neopia's Insight, Zafara style...

Unusual Foods: Cupcakes

It came to my attention that there were a surprising amount of strange foods, especially cupcakes. With frosting and goodies on top sculpted to mimic different things, I felt my curiosity get the best of me, and I discovered new, interesting flavors. From sweet to spicy, I enjoyed many flavors as I searched further and further for different cupcake creations. The only thing to do next was record my thoughts for the next poor person with an over-powering sweet tooth! So...

Where To Have A Party?

So, you've decided to have a party. Whether this is because you want to make some new friends or get back at that Meerca down the street who so conveniently "forgot" to invite you to her party doesn't matter. What does matter is your future party! Now, the most critical decision to your party planning is location. This guide will cover the pros and cons of throwing a party in each...

Other Stories
"Forever Blue" by sophieninetyfive
Just like that, it was arranged. Indy had an owner, Alice had a Neopet, and within days the two were fast friends. Alice was the best kind of owner – smart, kind, and generous with her Neopoints. She and Indy bought a little house on the outskirts of Brightvale, and soon Indy was the one being spoiled. Every time they went into town, Alice would buy her Gnorbu a new book or a stylish hat. Their house...

"The One Who Opted Out" by dragonair23
Today is different. He feels listless, bored, his mind unusually hazy. He finds it hard to concentrate on anything – it's almost like he's tired, and yet he can't possibly hope to sleep. Nothing can hold his interest – even the novel he had been reading had come to an unsatisfying, boring ending. So here he was, walking to Neopia Central for the weekly newspaper. He usually doesn't bother reading it – why would...

"Severing" by hermione_890_neo
I tapped my purple Elephante hoof somewhat impatiently on the table as I spoke with my friend, a pretty little red Xweetok named Sophie, waiting for a good opportunity to say what I'd been deliberating over for weeks and had decided to go through with only the night before. Sophie noticed my impatience. "Waiting for something, Beatrice?" she asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow. I nearly lied but decided not to. "Yeah..."

Tasty Treats!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Alien Aisha Vending Machine
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Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Two
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Escape from Virtupets Station
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With the cooperation of Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush and Boochi, neopets are now able to experience rejuvenation!!

by phyllismi

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