Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,576,530 Issue: 499 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Stars are not meant to be left unregarded; they perch high in the sky, shining brightly, to ensure someone may see them.

Need Help?

You searched the FAQs, checked the news, and even read a few game guides, but can't find the answer to your question. Now you are stuck with the dreaded neoboards. I know what you are thinking; they take too long, move too fast, or you just can't ever get an answer to your question, right? Wrong! The neoboards look intimidating, but friendly and helpful if you know how to ask correctly. This guide will help you make your experience in the neoboards less intimidating and hopefully provide you with a quick...

Florg's Favourite Food

Do you ever find yourself inching slowly toward your bowl of snacks while playing Feed Florg? No, me either... The subject of the game is disturbing and should really cause a loss of appetite among us sane Neopians. However, there is a Neopet among us who begs to differ. A result of one of Dr. Sloth's evil experiments, this Mutant Chia roams the Space Station searching for his favourite snacks... Petpets. I have compiled a list of several Neopian treats which are Petpet themed. More specifically, these items are...

The Path to All Star

If you aren't aiming for All Star and have a Skeith's weight of free time, you may want to consider it. Glory, and prize shop points, are at stake! You'll need a mere 2,000 wins at Yooyuball to get there, or 4,000 successfully completed games of Slushie Slinger, or a whopping 24,000 games of Make Some Noise or Shootout Showdown. Pretty odd numbers, right? Let me explain exactly what they mean: In order to reach All Star...

Other Stories
"Herald of Darkness" by treihaven
Deep in the darkest, coldest depths of the Faerieland Castle was a cell. It was the only cell in the entire building, and also the most high-security holding chamber in the world. It was guarded by dozens of spells, all with the intent to stop anyone from breaking out... or in. Five foot thick walls of Faerie Metal made up the structure, with magic woven into the very fabric of the prison...

"Juice" by van_kouen
Brynn gave no response, but the way she gripped her quill tighter every time Hanso would whine showed him how annoyed she truly was. They had only known each other for a few minutes now, which had consisted of her catching him in the act of thievery, chasing him down, handcuffing him, apologizing to the stern-looking shopkeeper, and then holding in laughs at his witty remarks as they marched towards the Brightvale dungeon...

"The Making of a Star: Layton Vickles" by alex313
"I can't," said Layton stubbornly, "I haven't perfected this pass yet." He knew that his father was watching from inside their house, and he wanted his father to see that he could make this pass. If I just keep practicing, Layton thought, Dad will see that I'm the best Yooyuball player there is, and then he'll be proud of me. "Perfect it in the morning," moaned Xavier tiredly...

No Gelerts Harmed, Promise

This week's issue is brought to you by: Hubert's Hot Dogs
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Great stories!


The Path to All Star -- Part One
The Altador Cup is here, fanfare, mad keyboard mashing, and all.

by phadalusfish


Ring of the Deep, part 6
Amazing. It really is the Ring of the Deep.

by ssjelitegirl


Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Eleven
"Garin, over here!" Hannah's cry came through the fire.

"Hang in there, I'm coming!" Garin shouted back, then hacked through more burning debris...

by medit92


NC or NP? Building the Perfect Outfit - Part Three
Let's go ahead and take a good long look at hand-held items this week.

Also by sinistrous

by agedbeauty


DoTS: Mission 500 Part 1 of 2
Say what is the line for?

by soragin

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