Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 176,435,056 Issue: 337 | 4th day of Eating, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The Donation Tree! Located in lovely, sunny Neopia Central, not only is this place safe; it is also friendly. (I mean, hello, people, it is located right next to a RAINBOW.) Just take a stroll on down there with your old useless stuff and give it to the big smiling tree who couldn't look any more happy to see you!

Supply and Demand

Neopia's economy runs on a little thing called supply and demand. This is what makes paintbrushes and such so expensive, not that your fellow Neopians are "greedy little bullies". TNT only releases a certain amount of an item, but the price is determined by us. Let's take an Island Paint Brush for our purposes. The only way to get one of these is through random events, or, if you're lucky, freebies. So, there aren't that many. Let's just use the fictional number of "100". Now, all those Island pets are quite pretty. So you want one. So does your best friend. And your guild. And a large part of Neopia...

Writing Trade Neomails

While it is true that most of us have a general idea of the basic Neomailing etiquette and know how to draft a Neomail to convey our message across to the other party, writing it in an effective way and making it work for you is another matter altogether. Why the big fuss over writing effective Neomails? Well, if you are able to write Neomails effectively, there are actually several advantages to be enjoyed. Not only does it enhance your chances of making a successful trade, it also helps to increase your credibility as a professional trader because you are able to communicate your ideas to others...

Chomby Crash Comics Course

Inspiration falls lightly upon the prepared mind like gentle autumn leaves (and not like Extreme Potato Counter missiles unless you are a very unlucky person). To create a great comic, we must be prepared. One obvious and therefore often overlooked way to prepare is to spend some time reading comics. The past issues of the NT are a veritable treasure chest of comics. Good comics, and great comics. Read them, ponder them, absorb them. Bookmark your favourites so that when you come to write your own you can check back...

Other Stories
"Little Things" by doopingla
Mr. Frore was a very boring teacher, Daisy observed. He went on and on, not stopping to make sure anyone had understood what he had said. Countless times Daisy had raised her hand to ask a question, but he ignored her. Surely he couldn't have a grudge against her on the first day of school! "Dandy, what are your thoughts on this topic?" Mr. Frore asked suddenly. Daisy jumped...

"How A Pirate Blumaroo Found Her Greatest Treasure" by indulgences
She had even sold the gold earring she had gotten after being painted with a Pirate Paint Brush for a profit. Yes, she was quite ambitious, this Blumaroo of ours. She began jingling the Neopoints in her purse, reassuring herself of their weight. Her eyes glittered with avarice and desire. Soon she would be rich. It would only take a week to...

"Astpyr and the Neocola Crisis" by qazx301
It was the hottest day of the year. I and my owner, Qazx301, sat in our Neohome, on the couch, sweating like Moehogs. The air conditioning was broken. She, at least, seemed semi-comfortable. The Neopedia was open in her lap. Having fur, I, Astpyr the green Kougra, was not only hot, but very thirsty. "Qazx," I complained, "I'm so thirsty!" She rolled her eyes...

Brush Your Troubles Away

This week's issue is brought to you by: Grooming Parlour
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Great stories!


Astpyr and the Neocola Crisis
I fished out the money and walked out the door. It was a long, hot trek to the Marketplace. I stopped twice to dive into other Neopians' pools...

by qazx301


Homemade Spaghetti
Grum, on the other hand, was for once silent. He was staring at his dinner with only his usual grimace, silently turning his spoon over in the mush...

by visorak_commander


New Research Reveals Hidden Dangers of Split Colour
Due to the evidence found in the split paint molecules, the scientists believe that this theory is indeed correct and that the molecules are based on good and bad...

by wildwindtornado


sanity ltd.
But lo! What is that horrid stench?

by thunderlight314


The Importance of Being Crafty
It's important to have friends close by at all times.

by beachnut14

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