For an easier life Circulation: 176,435,056 Issue: 337 | 4th day of Eating, Y10
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New Series

Fine Line: Part One

The camouflage Kougra silently celebrated his victory. After weeks of hard work and good lies, he had managed to infiltrate one of the Great Gebmids...

by reggieman721
The Warden's Tale: Part One

"By the Founders, Vex! If I didn't know better, I would say that you were falling into a certain trap!" the Grarrl grunted, scratching a small "3" on the table...

by torkie10
Lost Memories: Part One

In a field of grass just under the plateau, a herd of Tonu mothers tended their eggs...

by zafaracutie4
The Zap that Changed it All: Part One

He had spotted something caught on a nearby bush, blowing and fluttering in the breeze. He pulled it quickly from the leaves and let his eyes run over it. He recognized it immediately as a piece of the secret laboratory map...

by adoption_rescues
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Supply and Demand

Neopia's economy runs on a little thing called supply and demand. This is what makes paintbrushes and such so expensive, not that your fellow Neopians are "greedy little bullies". TNT only releases a certain amount of an item, but the price is determined by us. Let's take an Island Paint Brush for our purposes. The only way to get one of these is through random events, or, if you're lucky, freebies. So, there aren't that many. Let's just use the fictional number of "100". Now, all those Island pets are quite pretty. So you want one. So does your best friend. And your guild. And a large part of Neopia...

Other Stories


Astpyr and the Neocola Crisis
I fished out the money and walked out the door. It was a long, hot trek to the Marketplace. I stopped twice to dive into other Neopians' pools...

by qazx301


Detective Desmond and the Missing Diamond
On the door, in bright blue letters, were the initials "P.I." and a magnifying glass. As you might be speculating, this is the home of Bori detective, Desmond...

by chichikokoyamma


Supply and Demand: Explained in English
We have heard of the term "Supply and Demand", but do you really know what it is? Find out!

by mary_rox_sox


Grundos Café: An Eater's Guide on Out of This World Food
As one might have realized by now, Grundos Café doesn't exactly have the type of food you'd find in the Food Shop. In fact, this food is quite literally out of this world...

by xanax_rulz_314


Rated 'G'
Only in black and white

by black_kisa


The Chromus Crew
No Korbats were harmed in the making of this comic...

by chromus

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