teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

We are everywhere. We manage your shops. We run your banks. We watch over the economy of Neopia. We fight your wars. We run your countries. Who are we? We are the forgotten.

Easy Holiday Feasts

The hard part is figuring out what to prepare for your holiday meal and how much you need to spend! If you’re confused with any budget, the Holiday Feasting Guide is here to help make your feast a success! We’ve organized your meals into four budgets, cheap, medium, expensive (25,000+ NP per meal), and super expensive. Each meal includes a main course, side dishes, and dessert with two options each for you to choose from! Read below on what budget fits you and your Neopet for perfect feasting...

Finding the Perfect Gift

In nearly every store, I found someone pondering a shop display and fretting, “Well, I THINK he’d like it... I GUESS she’d want this... I don’t know, MAYBE this one would work...” Several threw up their hands, paws, or flippers in despair, and cried, “Oh woe is me! I’ll never find the Perfect Gift in time!” But never fear, my fellow Neopians! Help has arrived, in the form of a step by step guide: How to find the Perfect Gift! Simply read through the following steps, take notes as needed, and then set out into the wilds...

The Best Christmas Ever!

With the holidays fast approaching, it can be a very stressful and trying time. I know that around this time every year I am so bogged down on deciding what to get all of my friends and pets, that I can become a bit of a scrooge. Not to mention all of my pets asking for all of the latest toys and clothes, it can be hard to remember all of the little things that go along with spoiling your pets rotten. However, with much thought I have compiled a...

Other Stories
"Markers and Scissors" by yellowsugardog
I did not understand the hype about Christmas. The joy, the excitement, or the pleasure. I had only watched people unhappy. In turn, this made me unhappy. I was just unwanted. The most unwanted gift in Neopia, now even more unwanted then a pile of dung. I was purposeless. I was plain. I was only given to annoy whoever got me as a gift...

"Pride Comes Before a Ball" by tallydepp
In her dreams, King Skarl was always so taken aback by Tallydepp's beauty, grace, good manners and demure personality that he immediately gave her the coveted position of Uni-To-The-King, a role which would involve accompanying the King on his travels and generally just looking pretty and being complimented on by his subjects...

"Real Dreams" by silveryskies
Dying Sprigs of Mistletoe hung over each cell, more gloomy than cheerful. A not-so-decorated tree with only half its needles left drooped near the front desk. Tundra hated Christmas. All the normal Neopians were happy and merry, while abandoned pets sat lonely in their cells, freezing to death. How could they smile so happily? It just wasn’t fair...

Spills, Chills, and Thrills

This week's issue is brought to you by: Terror Mountain Tilt
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Great stories!


The Christmas Concert Conundrum: Part Two
Some odd sounds that didn't mesh with the rest of the music started to come from Daryl's piano. Though still concentrated on playing his part, Ricky cringed when he heard these terrible chords...

by o_apollo_o


10 Easy Ways to Gear Up For the Month of Celebrating
Nothing says "Bring on the cold!" like the 'Let it Snow' Avatar, and why not show off your super cool font-making skills?

by hyper_dude72


Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: Mika and Carassa
I am here to do a feature article on Mika and Carassa, and to find out why their Igloo Garage Sale continues to be so popular.

by yoyote


"That's incredible," said Noel, shaking his head and smiling. "I always knew you could do it, Faye." The Christmas Bori had been friends with the yellow Bruce as long as they had known each other...

by reggieman721


Merry Christmas
Christmas morning...

by silent_hawk_wings

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