There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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8 Ways To Go Downhill In A Hurry

It's easy to forget just how spooky careening down the icy back of a mountain can be!

by _arizona_
Seven Great Holiday Gifts

After much research by top Neopian scientists, we've found the best presents that money can buy just in time for the holidays. Even if you're light on Neopoints, we've still got some gifts you can afford.

by djawo
Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious: Mika and Carassa

I am here to do a feature article on Mika and Carassa, and to find out why their Igloo Garage Sale continues to be so popular.

by yoyote
The Top 5 Ways to Prepare for a Neopian Christmas

A short, simple but effective guide to anyone wanting to quickly transform their Neopets account into a festive look!

by kitokat_mh
Top 10 Gifts for this Holiday Season and More!!

Here are my Top 10 picks for presents for your pets...

by lesliewolf10
10 Easy Ways to Gear Up For the Month of Celebrating

Nothing says "Bring on the cold!" like the 'Let it Snow' Avatar, and why not show off your super cool font-making skills?

by hyper_dude72
Celebrating Christmas - Tiki Tack Style!

Tired of hanging traditional wreaths on your front doors? Then add a new twist to your Christmas celebration! Yes, celebrate Christmas... Tiki Tack style!

by neogal_anu
Three Ways to Make This The Best Christmas Ever!

I have compiled a simple list that is guaranteed to get you in the Christmas spirit in no time!

by giggles22zz
A Nonblasting Visit to the Snowager

"Let me guess," bellowed the Snowager. "You came up here hoping to get an interview with me for one of your precious articles..."

by __lyra152__
Top Ten Winter Petpets to Give or Receive for Christmas

What better gift is there for any pet than a cute friend? And for Christmas, why not get in the spirit and make it a cute, if not occasionally chilly, winter petpet!

by twocents
A Holiday Quiz: Revealing Your Christmas Personality

Grab a cup of hot cocoa, a notepad, and pencil to jot down your answers, and let's begin unearthing your Christmas personality!

by imsleepingbeauty
Activities in the Month of Celebrating

What can you do now to truly celebrate the holidays in style? I have put together a list of alternative fun to be had during the Month of Giving.

by jillian3_3
Christmas Cooking with Teatray

Chef Teatray is here to show you several great Christmas food ideas.

by squishable
Holiday Feasts Made Easy: Budget and Taste Approved

There's nothing better than sitting down at the table as a family with your neopets on the holidays for a nice, warm meal. Oh, and of course, dessert!

by ridiculer
How to Find the Perfect Gift

Simply read through the following steps, take notes as needed, and then set out into the wilds of the shopping world, armed with the knowledge you need to find It: the Perfect Gift.

by shadow717
Christmas in the Haunted Woods: A Step-By-Step Guide

First, you will need a tree. Now, I'm sure that if you go looking for one, you could find a nice, slouched, demonic looking tree...

by ghostwolf18
A Christmas Health and Safety Message

Our job here at the Neopian Bureau of Holiday Health and Safety (NBHHS) is to warn everyone of the true dangers behind these Christmas festivities.

by popolopolis_the_3rd_
10 Must-Have Stocking Stuffers For Under 5000 NP!

Here, you'll find this season's must-have stocking stuffers that will save you from living out of a cardboard box come New Year's Day... and they're guaranteed to satisfy any Neopian's tastebuds...

by evie_firebolt
Your Survival Guide to Christmas Dinner

Probably one of the biggest mistakes you could make in your haste would be to simply head off to your Safety Deposit Box and take out Advent Calendar gifts to serve up.

by tennisking217
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"Real Dreams" by silveryskies
Dying Sprigs of Mistletoe hung over each cell, more gloomy than cheerful. A not-so-decorated tree with only half its needles left drooped near the front desk. Tundra hated Christmas. All the normal Neopians were happy and merry, while abandoned pets sat lonely in their cells, freezing to death. How could they smile so happily? It just wasn’t fair...

Other Stories


Three Baby Kacheeks Stocking Adventure
"Oh, I wouldn't eat stockings if I were you," said Christa Kau. "I tried it myself once when I was young. I ate one off a vine that it was growing on..."

by sarika_ambrielle


A Terror (Mountain) Christmas
"Come on, Arpheo, the tree looks fine the way it is," Orpheus said. He wrapped a warm scarf around his neck. "Char, Isca, and I are going up to the Advent Calendar. You're coming, right?"

by aisha_enchantress110


Table for Three: Part One
I asked Alana, and she says that if your family is okay with it, you can come up and visit for Christmas!

by psychopsam


The Christmas Concert Conundrum: Part Two
Some odd sounds that didn't mesh with the rest of the music started to come from Daryl's piano. Though still concentrated on playing his part, Ricky cringed when he heard these terrible chords...

by o_apollo_o


Those Hard-To-Give Gifts...
What do YOU want this Christmas?

Also by sazpunk

by invalid_character


A Spooky Christmas
*crunch* *crunch*

by ghostkomorichu

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