Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Tarla: Sympathy? Hahahaha, I do laugh! So amusing, indeed. Nope. None whatsoever. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

A Forgotten Art

Potato Counter is not a game that gets a lot of attention. Initially, around the time that it was released, there was a craze for all things Meridell, and even Potato Counter had its fifteen minutes of fame. However, the interest soon died down and nowadays you seldom hear anyone talk about the game. You might think...

Neoboard Etiquette

The name of the game is respect. This tip is of the utmost importance: if you want somebody to show you respect, you need to show respect first. You get what you give. For example, if you are asking somebody for tips on how to play a specific game, don't be commanding and impolite...

The Faces of Turdle Racing

It is one of the centre points of Meridell culture, with similarity to the overall effect of Poogle Racing. It has the underlying values that depict the Meridellian lifestyle and the enchantment of the "slow and steady wins the race" philosophy. It is... Turdle Racing. Turdle Racing originated in the deepest, darkest parts of Meridell, among the street ruffians wanting to make a quick Neopoint or two...

Other Stories
"A Mysterious Fishing Trip" by mzkimmi
"What's all this?" I asked, somewhat pensively. Around the room were some packets of what appeared to be tiny fish. There were sunscreen, a blanket, a picnic basket, hats, and – oh no. There were fishing poles! My worst fears confirmed, my owner stated the obvious...

"The Extra" by jelleyfrosting
We were pets who no one wanted or cared about, but our happiness was still vital to a few losers who petitioned for some proper care to the pets in the Neopian Pound. Thus the teachers. They picked the brightest out of the Neoschool and had them teach us for an hour every day...

"Torn Loyalties and Broken Promises" by jjquil
Down in the arena, Tormund lunged forward, silver blade flashing in the sun. His strike bounced harmlessly off of Jeran's steel chest plate, parried by the older Lupe's swift down stroke. They circled each other warily; sweat trickling down beneath their hot metal armor...

More Babies, Less Sitting

This week's issue is brought to you by: Usul Suspects
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Great stories!


Double Crossed
"I have things I want to buy, too, you know. To do that I'll need money. And to get money..." A gleam came into his yellow eyes as he scanned the dark woods...

Also by dan4884

Art by nut862

by nut862


At Least There's a Limit
I wonder what game I should play.

by cutykitty225


Idle Chatter
In the days when Ellevire was still yellow...

by party_hobbit


Catching Up: Part Five
The Fire Faerie nodded. "It's often the Light Faerie," she said, coming to stand next to Patricia, "who leads the group. Who makes it all happen..."

by extreme_fj0rd


Spooks in Space #3

by ghostkomorichu

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