White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 127,331,912 Issue: 258 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Everyone knows that any food that is squishy is good, regardless of what it tastes like.

Pirate: Public Opinion

T'day we're takin' a look at that most seaworthy of colors. Not only are Pirate pets unafraid of gettin' thar fur wet, but they're devilishly handsome too! They ignore most of the rules of high fashion an' high society, yet they've created a style that's recognizable an' iconic (not t' mention, comfy an' intimidatin' at the same time). If one of these swashbucklers passed ye in the street, ye'd know straight away...

Mastering Mystery Pic

Are people always complimenting your ability to color coordinate your wardrobe? Or are you an expert at picking out the ideal drapes to go with your carpet (no sample handy!)? Then you seem to have the basic skills for entering the Mystery Pic competition! You don't have to have absolutely perfect color pitch, but it certainly helps. So does perseverance, patience, and a penchant for puzzles that require painstaking attention to detail...

Basic Zomutt Care

The zomutt. The one creature in Neopia that's cutely disgusting, and vice versa. It's also one of the most misunderstood petpets. For one thing, they do not smell of rotting cheese. They smell of rotting meat. It is also not true that zomutts get along only with other zomutts. They get along quite nicely with tombstones as well. See how misunderstood they are?

Other Stories
"Vampire Flowers" by rainbow_mist_wave and elvenmirror24
Curious, Pansy waded through the sea of flowers and pressed an eye against the knothole in the fence. She blinked a couple times, trying to get a good view. She could see two Lennies - one blue, one yellow - moving around in the yard next door. They had a box full of something between them and they were talking in low voices, bending over the box...

"The Return" by phsycoticdancer
"A joke!" A green fist slammed down on the mantel and rested there. "Is that all I am?!" The caped figure raised both arms imploringly at the painting above the fireplace. "Is that all I have become?" he mourned. His arms fell to his sides, his hands tightening into fists. He swung around to look down at the quivering purple Grundo behind him, and shook one fist at it...

"Poison Doll" by micrody
She wandered blankly back to her chair and sat down with a huff. It had only been a few days since her Grandmamma had sent her a similar Neogram beginning with the same sentence, Please, do not be alarmed. She had sent the Neogram to Slaine, saying that Slaine's great-aunt Demona had fallen ill, the illness presumed to be Neo Flu then as well. Even so...

Getting Bitten? Bite Back

This week's issue is brought to you by: Itchy Invasion
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