Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 128,614,511 Issue: 257 | 15th day of Gathering, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

'The stomach and the heart are not far apart. Don't judge a pet until you've gotten a good meal into him.'

Toddlers: Now What?

So you've just become the proud owner of your very own Baby Neopet. You find yourself lost for words. So... now what? You'll probably be pondering such things as, "What do I feed them?" or "What toys will I need to buy them?" So many questions are flowing through your head. But don't worry, with a little luck, you'll manage your bundle of joy just fine...

The Band For You

Neopia holds a steady stream of many successful and talented bands. Whether it be tropical rhythms, melodic compilations, or just plain old hard rock, everyone has a preference. Sometimes, though, I find fellow Neopians debating over what bands to go and see. I find that they are wary about spending their Neopoints because they're just not sure...

Discreet Usuki Collecting

You've got a growing collection of Usuki Dolls in your Safety Deposit Box, but you don't want people going around saying you're soft. Maybe it's because you're a Pirate, or a boy. Your friends know you as the tough one, and you can't go out and buy those Usuki Dolls you want, because they could see you. Yep. At least half of us Neopians have been there, done that...

Other Stories
"A Different Kind of Game" by dan4884 and precious_katuch14
A single beam of light shone through the skylight in the ceiling, leaving an eerie effect on the chessboard. Two figures emerged from the shadows, each taking a side of the board. They faced each other, mock concentration on their face. "Jerdana," the Lupe said. "Play fair now..."

"Teoko's Kingdom" by scranamole
He cut the flaps on the bed boxes so that they interlocked when they lay side by side, then he cut the tops of them in half and pushed them to the sides to make nice high walls. He used the sofa box as a tower to one side of the main chamber and the box from the chair eventually became a draw bridge entrance...

"The Terrors of a Neohome" by mystify8888
"Uh, I think it's where the bathroom used to be, no, wait, that's the living room! Hang on," I said, and scratched my head. The construction workers had told me that they had to move the door to... I took out the detailed map. It was so detailed, in fact, that it was near impossible to read...

Don't Be Coy, Come Visit

This week's issue is brought to you by: Fanciful Fauna
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White Weewoos DO Exist!
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The Mind of Max
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The Legend of Paraiso: Part One
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A Faerie Tale
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Sol Dreaming: Part Two
Days have passed since she received the letter. Aquamarine does her best to take care of her Maroon and Sunshine. Soon, though, the food runs out...

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