Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 120,791,029 Issue: 244 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"When they take away your greatest strength, fight back with your greatest weakness."

Acquiring Avatars

To my dismay, one of the members declared, "I'll never get that one," so I set forth writing this guide to avatar collecting. There are three things every avatar collector needs in order to allow their collections to grow. And no, I'm not referring to neopoints or connections with influential people... yes, having those help, but in the end it's not them that gets avatars. What I'm talking about are the 3 Ps...

Yooyu Tells All

What’s the newest sport to fire off into Neopia? Why it’s Yooyuball, of course! A sport in which a team of five players work together to toss a Yooyu petpet, in its ball form, into the opponent’s goal. But we aren’t here to talk about the sport; we are here to talk about the one thing that pulls this wonderful sport together, the Yooyu! As you may know, Yooyu train their entire lives to get the chance to participate in this sport...

Pirate Guide to Pirating

So, you want to be a pirate, do you? You want to be the scourge of the seas? Do you think you have what it takes? Can you plunder day and night? I'm Seiged; a rather experienced pirate myself, and I am here to help you on your quest to become a pirate. To ensure that you become the best pirate that you can be I will guide you through a series of steps. Not everyone can be a pirate. It takes strength...

Other Stories
"The Bravery of a Bori" by firecomet14
Taelia sighed as she headed to her spell cabinet. "Hiccups, hair tonic," she recited, running her finger along the rows of tonics and potions. "Ahh, here it is, headaches." She poured the violet potion into a small, icily patterned teacup. After downing about half of it, she was interrupted by a knock at the door to her igloo. The Snow Faerie exhaled noisily as she rose...

"The Blumaroo Who Couldn't Jump" by eggy_the_great
As we all know, there are nice Neopets and mean Neopets. And sometimes the mean Neopets are mean but they don't know they're being mean and they walk around completely oblivious. But this one other Blumaroo Muddytoes knew was red and frowned and was mean on purpose. This especially mean Blumaroo's name was Wilson...

"Dancing to the Music of Your Heart" by animalnutz1993
Ask her father, and he will say that Danielle's "silly dancing fantasies" are a thing of the past. What he doesn't know is that whenever he isn't around, Danielle dances to the beat of her chores and to her relaxation. With the wind flowing through her thick pink fur, she twirled while she swept, she swayed while planting seeds, and she leapt through the air while...

Swell Sea Shell Selection

This week's issue is brought to you by: Collectable Sea Shells
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A Dark Lesson
I thought perhaps she was following someone else or playing hide and seek with a friend, but it was quite apparent that I was her target when I turned down Winding Wood Road...

by tamarashannonhall


Hostess of the Best Kau Party
With Kau Day just around the corner, I decided to give you some great ides (and tips) to throw the hottest, coolest Kau party that nobody will forget!

by ellen1117


Wing Socks: Menace or Marvel?
Winged pets from all over Neopia ran to buy these when they first came out at the Clothing Store. They were sold out for at least a month!

by mimi_is_online


Notions and Nonsense: The Cure
Side effects include Pant Devil raids, Snowager Blasts, and being eaten by Swamp Ghouls...

Art by peri0neo

by patjade


Ummagine That
If only they knew...

by chiasarah

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