Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"You may not become a knight on the outside, but you can still become a knight on the inside, as long as your cause is good and your heart is pure."

Behind the Lever

Then, without any sort of warning, a mechanical hand erupts out from behind this lever, reaches deep into your pocket, and retrieves 100 NP, leaving you in disbelief, feeling absolutely violated. Still, even though this mechanical contraption just stole your hard earned cash, you pull it again...

Where Are They Now?

But a couple months later, when the war has ended or the puzzle has been solved, then what do the Neopets do? Where do they go? Through careful research and discreet following (which is clearly different than stalking), these probing questions now have answers. The truth shall be revealed...

What You Need to Know

While the Gnorbu has spots, the Ogrin has stripes, but that is basically all of the difference, isn't it? A different hair (or fur) cut and straighter, furrier ears for the Ogrin, and floppy, short-haired ears for the Gnorbu... What does this all mean, really? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT IT MEANS! CONSPIRACY!!

Other Stories
"Wussy Pirates?!" by timber_wolf_789
And so the two set off, with the boat's lacy sail flapping gently in the wind. The two Acaras laughed and talked and played while enjoying the beautiful scenery surrounding them. But after an hour or so of smooth sailing... "Look!" shouted Twinkles suddenly, nudging Fluffy. "A pirate ship!"

"What Goes Around Comes Around... Punk" by imaqtpie398
As she approached the counter, she was silently going over what to say. Excuse me, ma'am. I really want that Icklesaur over there, but I'm one neopoint short. Could you make an exception, please? Excuse me, ma'am. I'm one neopoint short to buy that Icklesaur. Can we haggle?

"All for a Freebie" by kushbi
After a filling lunch of cheese omelette, she had trekked to the lost city for a workout. The deserted tomb was not at all empty, with many others scouring the ruins for freebies. Amidst the occasional scream and monstrous roar, she spotted a vase with a simple red trimming. It was perfect for her neohome...

No Rest for the Wicked

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Return of the Return of Dr. Sloth
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Renee and Charlie
He was afraid of a lot of things, but Renee knew how to make him get up and go. The key was a white chocolate Gelert...

by kittie93


At the End of the Rainbow
It all started when I happened to be visiting Krawk Island. It had started raining, so I took refuge in the hotel...

by queen_starshine


Sheep of Doom
I wonder if anything's changed.

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The Five Kaus: Part Two
"You can't expect your pet to gain a large dose of strength without there being a huge release of energy in the process. Your pet is fine. Now let the smoke clear so that we can see the results."

by jacob133


One to Many
Some call it "fan art;" others call it traumatic!

by menzoberanzan

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