A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 105,225,448 Issue: 209 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Fire, they spelled 'flower' wrong here. And why would we want to put 2 cups of flowers in a cake? Wouldn't that make it taste like dirt and dust from the ground?"

Gear up for Gormball

Gormball is an old Neopian game which I believe used to be very popular. But I suppose the gamers have moved on to more "actiony" games like Frumball and Zurroball. But I don't see a single thing wrong with Gormball! I mean, it's got a ball that explodes! Any game that involves exploding...

Feast with the Faeries

Welcome one, welcome all, to the Faerie Festival, where various kinds of faeries come to celebrate their very own special day as a whole! Whether you're a simple but important elemental faerie, or a different sort with a power all your own, this is one holiday you wouldn't want to miss...

Fruitful Falling Fruit

This quick and easy guide relies on brains over speed and knowledge over luck. If you’d rather play a game that involves speed and luck, go play Splat-a-Sloth. I will guarantee that the average Neopian makes more points from Gadgadsgame after reading this article than most will ever earn on Splat-a-Sloth...

Other Stories
"The Game is Gormball" by sweetie_me274
"So?" sighed Ember, a hint of jealousy in her voice. "Your destinies don't lead to small glass bottles where you are trapped until some rich Neopian buys you. Then you have to bless their wretched pet, be released, and do the same thing again."

"A Brush with Misfortune" by turquoisephoenix
Not a single soul, except those that happened to be Halloween or ghost, was out in the middle of night. All sane Neopets were tucked neatly in their beds, sleeping in peace. All that is, except for a traveling magician and his pet Spyder...

"The Best Time Capsule Ever... According to Arthus" by jen4ever4ree
Sitting in Kitt's neohome, the two of them sighed in unison. They had been spending the past half hour like that, just sitting and sighing. Arthus had come over for a sleepover, but it wasn't looking fun...

Neopoints Are Safest in a Safe

This week's issue is brought to you by: the National Neopian Bank
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Great stories!


Utter defeat - that was all she could feel. After a millennium of waiting, after planning her return so meticulously, her enemy had bested her...

by sara_mossflower


Sand Daughter: Part Three
Immi recalled her kidnapper. Looking around, she realized that he was a short distance away, but was approaching her again...

Also by smurfafied1800

by sara_mossflower


Hey Meepo, do you want to try some of my lemonade?

by verallien


A Not-So-Helpful Guide to Gormball
Now I'm sure you have all heard of Gormball. If you haven't, I suggest you go to this big, fun, and seemingly magical place most people call "The Game Room".

by skittleiciousgirl


Corn Mushies
I canna 'elp you.

by plaquenil

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