Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,997,709 Issue: 731 | 6th day of Hunting, Y18
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Short Stories

Dixie's Wings

Did you know that faeries are not born with their wings? They have to work hard to earn them. Let me tell you the story of how Dixie earned her wings.

by she_chose_love
A Beautiful Blumaroo and her Mystical Treasure

Tiv stepped into the fountain and grinned as the wondrous waters swirled around her. Rainbows danced across her skin as it changed color. However, something wasn't quite right. When the process was over, Tiv was horrified to find that she had been painted Maractite, not Maraquan.

by _brainchild_
Testimony of a Thousand

Apollo was pounded for being a superfluous substance. His owner loved him very much, but LOVE was no bold enumeration on his birth certification. LOVE was not placed below AGE above FISHING SKILL; it only dependently existed, LOVE, a quantity slathered on the discriminating peripheral.

by dimartedi
The Hidden Treasure

I rode down to the river one morning to see the spring blossoms bloom. My eyes were focused on the ground there, with each step a piece of earth crunched under my feet and the grass bent toward my way. Bending for an old Gnorbu, life and vitality bowing to time-worn straits.

by redken9x9
So You Want To Be A Villain?

Many have tried for every evil villain's dream of the power hungry grab to rule just one land, like Captain Scarblade's attack on New Maraqua, or wrest control of the entirety of Neopia, like the attempt Hubrid Nox made with his horde of undead slaves. Many have tried, but none have truly succeeded.

Also by dark_angel_ds

by the_lady_j

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The Three Hardest AAA Challenges for Daily Dare 2016

The fun yet stressful Daily Dare is finally over! Everyone’s hard work should now be rewarded with that shiny gold trophy if you have successfully beat AAA’s score in all twenty games. To cap off this year’s Daily Dare, let us recall some of those toughest challenges that had us on the verge of tears!

Other Stories


How Well Do You Know Tyrannia?
That’s definitely a day to be celebrated. However, in this guide I’m not discussing the war event itself, I’m trying to disseminate Tyrannia’s fascinating culture. Let’s get started!

by mazaii_3


The Neopian Cookbook: Health Food Edition
The Health Food Shop in Neopia Central is filled with delicious and nutritious food that can be replicated in your own kitchen, provided you have the time and equipment to do so. I picked a few of my favourites to share.

by katehoughtonbeckett


The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Twelve
Aardo shook his head with sorrow. “Afraid not. Something went very wrong. You see, when you’re with us, battles just simply aren’t ‘won.’ There are always losses…”

“But is Trina okay?” Pat asked anxiously.

by ummagine3284


Cordilion's Big Adventure: Part One
It was a world that Cordilion knew little about. Other than his brief forays onto the balcony, the pampered plushie Noil never went outside. He idly licked a paw and flicked his small round ears as two Beekadoodles flew by.

by 77thbigby


Treasure Surprise!
Not what I was expecting.

Also by Pinksrainbow

by lyndsey4657


You should learn to listen.

by supertualet

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