Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,997,709 Issue: 731 | 6th day of Hunting, Y18
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Continued Series

The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Twelve

Aardo shook his head with sorrow. “Afraid not. Something went very wrong. You see, when you’re with us, battles just simply aren’t ‘won.’ There are always losses…”

“But is Trina okay?” Pat asked anxiously.

by ummagine3284

Eye of the Crokabek: Part Six

Mayor Dilbert stood proud and tall between Doug and Bob, the two brutes. He looked about as dignified as it is possible to look while being held captive by a pair of hulking Skeiths.

by reiqua
Janet and Jane: The Case of the Rough Waters: Part Four

“Ugh, it stinks down here,” Kell complained as we went through the bilge of the ship on the way to the hold.

by chasing_stars44
Sakhmet Stories - The Witch And The Thief: Part Three

"We're lost Sethos." Nephthysma sighed, as she stopped mid-tracks and surveyed the surroundings. They were surrounded by a blanketing sense of nothingness. Nothingness and sand, and then more nothingness.

by iamnotaaron
Reign of Ice: Part Two

Brendon groaned. He had just been dragged into the middle of the one desert in Neopia that happens to be experiencing a blizzard as part of his sister’s daily rituals, and now he had to save the world? This was not his day.

by neolikepets
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"The Hidden Treasure" by redken9x9
I rode down to the river one morning to see the spring blossoms bloom. My eyes were focused on the ground there, with each step a piece of earth crunched under my feet and the grass bent toward my way. Bending for an old Gnorbu, life and vitality bowing to time-worn straits. Upon that morning, it was my usual habit of looking down the river towards the Springs when I noticed something odd and out of place. I strode up to this peculiar articulation of disorder, some poor Acara kneeling down upon the ground in a state of distress. She seemed withered from grief, and bound to collapse - so I stayed close. Asking after her, I inquired if everything was alright. She told me that nothing was alright – that her little brother had no means to sustain himself and no support to address his want. I asked after her again, to which she redirected my attention to her little brother. I assessed that this Acara, though smartly dressed and neatly put together in character and charm, must have found herself in dire circumstances if she was so desperate as to confide in a total stranger about her affairs. I accompanied her for the rest of the morning, and sat tenderly by her side as she told me of the trials she and her brother had endured.

Other Stories


Testimony of a Thousand
Apollo was pounded for being a superfluous substance. His owner loved him very much, but LOVE was no bold enumeration on his birth certification. LOVE was not placed below AGE above FISHING SKILL; it only dependently existed, LOVE, a quantity slathered on the discriminating peripheral.

by dimartedi


Dixie's Wings
Did you know that faeries are not born with their wings? They have to work hard to earn them. Let me tell you the story of how Dixie earned her wings.

by she_chose_love


Thorn's Take On Free Speech: Meridell
Greetings. My name is Thorn, and I am a Gelert that hails from the outskirts of the Meridell-Brightvale borders, and I have the misfortune of living with a Meridellian knight.

by jrayeb3


Custard: The Often Forgotten Edible Color
When you hear “edible pet,” what do you think of? Jelly? Chocolate? Biscuit? Fruit and vegetable Chias? There is one more option that is often forgotten about, that being Custard; a material consisting of egg yolk and milk.

by mbredboy31


You should learn to listen.

by supertualet


Neopia's Wonderful Foods
Disclaimer: Your perception of "wonderful" may vary.

by ryanruff13

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