Meow Circulation: 192,017,692 Issue: 627 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y16
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Short Stories

Just Misunderstood

Ya know, it isn't a walk in the park to be a Slymook.

by maddymoo
Faerie Lessons: Flight

Leviraa felt the weight of a hundred eyes on her as she took her first tentative step forwards. After three weeks living and training in Faerieland, her instructors had declared her ready for her first flight.

by platnum_king_dragon
The Adventures of Peppermint

Peppermint stood in sheer awe with her nose pressed to the window of her shop. Outside was a world of magic and wonders that she had never seen before.

by noxlyx
Good King Hal

"I rule over them, setting such a fine example; how could they not but be fine folk?"

by racoon188
Adventure Can Lead You Anywhere

Strong winds swirled around Terror Mountain and the surrounding high peaks, blowing through the neopets and their owners in icy blasts.

by nebulavulpa157
The Traveller's Note

A lone traveller walked quickly through the rain along a roughly cobbled pathway, cautiously patting a pocket inside a large coat...

by ameliorates
Lucky Catch

The first day she set foot in the fishing cavern was the most terrifying day of Chili's life. Little did she know, it would also be the most exciting.

by unfogging

It's New Year's Eve.

by vanessa1357924680

The rules of the contest were vague and unhelpful and, as Harold suspected, probably deliberately so.

by emblo93
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"Fireworks" by vanessa1357924680
Children are running about, sliding on the wooden floors in their woolen socks, shaking noisemakers, blowing whistles, and getting into mischief. As for me, I am sitting out on the front yard, crushing frost-laden blades of grass. I'm looking at the New Year's Eve sky, staring past the sparkling fireworks...

Other Stories


How to Obtain a High Score in Snow Roller
The goal of this game is to roll down a mountainside, collecting items for points while protecting your snow ball from obstacles like logs, trees, houses and igloos!

by cheyenne2394


Keeping your Neo Resolutions
What can you do to give yourself a better success rate?

by mistiehall


Once a Thief: Part Two
"Elrique!" A fire Eyrie burst into the dining room, much to the alarm of the guests and servants. The room immediately fell silent, but Elrique calmly set his silverware down...

by crazy_4_sushi


One Way: Part Five
I'd started piecing some of it together. The Chomby was the head, of course, and she hoarded gold and servants in her gold castle in this glass forest.

by ellbot1998


The Best of Intentions: Holiday Season (5/5)
Never. Ask. That. Question.

Also by bha288

by 0123kl


Tumble Dry
Way to be a jerk, King Roo.

by rissy123

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