Meow Circulation: 192,017,692 Issue: 627 | 10th day of Sleeping, Y16
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Continued Series

Coronation: Part Ten

We got organized and took off into the sky. The breeze was at first deliciously cool after the hot air of the Lost Desert, but we were soon high above the clouds and in freezing space.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Agent of the Sway: Isolation - Part Nine

The Court Dancer, as she introduced herself, arrived at Meridell Castle the following day. Clayton had to admit that the brown Aisha with long golden hair was not at all what he had been expecting...

by herdygerdy
Deeper: Part Seven

"Thank goodness that is finally over," I complained as I sprawled on the sofa in the office. We had just come back from another meeting.

by kristykimmy
It Takes a Thief: Part Eight

Brynn asked Jazan, "Sir, what are the chances of there being trouble at the tomb?"

Paselle snorted, flinging back a short lock of purple hair. "Certain, Miss Knight."

by saphira_27

Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part Six

In a futile attempt to stop the her, Almos tumbled out from behind the bushes after Orlitz and and fell over the Cybunny. The two crashed into the mud, much to the surprise and horror of the three smugglers they had been spying on only moments ago.

by josephinefarine
One Way: Part Five

I'd started piecing some of it together. The Chomby was the head, of course, and she hoarded gold and servants in her gold castle in this glass forest.

by ellbot1998
Second Chance: Part Five

"Crazy?" He laughed a wheezy, broken laugh. "The whole world is crazy, Brynn. And it's all thanks to me!"

by liouchan
Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Three

Demelza's death was a tragedy the Morwena tribe had not seen in a long time...

by kioasakka
The Initiate Defenders: Part Two

Jennumara the Darkness Faerie was settled comfortably into her black granite throne, which was was elaborately carved to recall the shapes of long claws and venomous fangs.

by burning_shadows_79
Once a Thief: Part Two

"Elrique!" A fire Eyrie burst into the dining room, much to the alarm of the guests and servants. The room immediately fell silent, but Elrique calmly set his silverware down...

by crazy_4_sushi
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Two Winter Customisations

To start this article off we will present to you the customization of a Female Ice Krawk. Although we realize that this colour is a little stereotypical for winter (at least we didn't do Christmas, right?), we just couldn't resist that pretty gleam where the sunlight reflects off of the ice...

Other Stories


Just Misunderstood
Ya know, it isn't a walk in the park to be a Slymook.

by maddymoo


The Traveller's Note
A lone traveller walked quickly through the rain along a roughly cobbled pathway, cautiously patting a pocket inside a large coat...

by ameliorates


Not Playing the Stock Market? Why You Should Be
The stock market can be much better for you and your neopoints than having them sitting in the bank.

by horsecrazyirishgirl


How to Obtain a High Score in Snow Roller
The goal of this game is to roll down a mountainside, collecting items for points while protecting your snow ball from obstacles like logs, trees, houses and igloos!

by cheyenne2394


Easy Come, Easy Go!
Something has happened!

Art by suchacutie15

by ramotswe


Reality of REs: Screaming in the Rain
In case of REs, bring an umbrella.

Also by oracle419

by ribbonpig

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