Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,475,297 Issue: 468 | 5th day of Storing, Y12
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Short Stories

The Ultimate Cheat

"This would be the day that Randolph finally became someone important. He would become the Cheat champion. He had been waiting for this day for years."

by pandas_91
The Amazing Adoption

This is a true story of how I got my loving Grundo, Mallexar.

by amsurito
A Fish Out of Water

"I don't know. Go explore or something. Just be bored somewhere else, ok?"

by thediractor
The Restless Gnorbu

Yifeb had started working at the Chocolate Factory when she was very young. "It's like my second home," she was fond of saying.

by emrozi
Space Chaser

But the alien Aisha was just so determined to make it work. He'd spend dozens of hours each week...

by le_eyo

Today was the day. I had finally proven that I was responsible enough to go deposit our neopoints.

by beautifuldirtyrich__
My Visit To The NT Office!

Look out for those new Meepit cashiers...

by mikugumilove
The Examiner's Choice

A bubbly Bruce hopped up next to try and enter the imperial exam. The Kacheek looked up at her and said, "Spell 'working', please."

by lemonberry_kitkat
The Spellbook (of DOOM)

Note to self: Dustinany + Spellbook = Bad combo.

by pretsel_is_back
A Letter Too Late

For thirty-seven years now I have been your most loyal and trusted servant.

by barefootedcinderella
Marching - A Band Geek Story

It was only the second day of band camp, and I was already wishing for it to be over.

by laurapet131

I can't tell you how many hours I've spent watching my owner, Max, standing on top of a box to be taller and screaming, "WN BD PPL BC AV UFT!"

by chocolate_fudge7
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"The Spellbook (of DOOM)" by pretsel_is_back
The Tuskaninny closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and murmured the words of an ancient spell. Suddenly, her hands turned blue. Without even thinking, Dustin raised them up high over her head, and a blue light struck from them, hitting the curtain. A second later it had fallen from the window and onto the floor, as...

Other Stories


Ugga Drop Guide
This game just requires a bit of practice and some patience.

by o0seagaru0o


10 Things the Meepits Don’t Want You to Know
These aren't just secrets! These are the Meepits' secrets!

by starry_pride


Princess Mind-Reader: Part Five
Still gloomy with the fact that Deliluk had left, Victoria tried nearly every hour to contact Deliluk, but he never went into her head.

by thornfoot2


Of Kitchens, Gypsies and Restless Ghosts: Part Two
"A phantom, then," Justice said impatiently. "A spectral vision. There's more than one sort of ghost out there. Anyway, I believe it was Lucy."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


Giving Petrified a New Meaning
Plots ftw!

Also by kr_ena1337

by ruby_petal


No Vacancy
There's a reason the healing springs say "At your own risk".

by tristasmith

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