The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,475,297 Issue: 468 | 5th day of Storing, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"But finding the Bracelet of the Kings is his life-long dream," Mom said, "and when you have no dreams left - "

"You make new ones," I said.

Preparing for Battle

Preparing a pet for the Battledome doesn't need to be stressful or difficult as you think it might be. All it takes is some basic know-how and the willingness of you (and your pet of course!) to go and enter the arena of the Battledome. So if you haven't fought a single battle yet in the BD or would like to be more informed of how to go about preparing a pet for it, here's a simple and easy guide to help you on your way: There are three main things that you need to consider...

A Slorgtastic Party

All great Slorg enthusiasts know that the 3rd day of the month of Storing is when we celebrate those adorable little slimey Petpets. Anybody who's anybody will be throwing and/or attending Slorg Day parties, but how can you host a Slorg Day Party that you know will be super Slorgtacular? It does not matter if you are a beginner or the most experienced event planner! If you decide to follow my five easy steps, you can be sure that your Slorg Day party will out-Slorg all the rest!

Guide to Destruct-o-Match III

Destruct-o-Match III is a game that consists of the pairing of similarly colored bricks together in order to score points. As the game progresses, the minimum score to pass the level and the number of colored bricks both increase. Sounds easy, yes? Well, in reality, this game is not nearly that simple. A few key tips to start you off are the following...

Other Stories
"A Fish Out of Water" by thediractor
It was so close that Hael would only have to swim for a few seconds to get to it. It was so tempting! There was a shining wooden handle sticking out of the sand. Hael was sure it was treasure. She looked back at Mayanie, absorbed in her work. The Ixi wouldn't notice if Hael went just a little farther than instructed, right? And she would go right back, too...

"The Spellbook (of DOOM)" by pretsel_is_back
The Tuskaninny closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and murmured the words of an ancient spell. Suddenly, her hands turned blue. Without even thinking, Dustin raised them up high over her head, and a blue light struck from them, hitting the curtain. A second later it had fallen from the window and onto the floor, as...

"Importance" by beautifuldirtyrich__
Neopia Central is a really busy place. It's not my fault I got tossed around a bit here and there, maybe into the auction house... Mom never looked at me like the people in here did, their noses turned up and wrinkled, their faces full of pity, distaste, and— I couldn't believe it— fear. Maybe I was a little scuffed up, but I didn't look too different from them, did I?

Reading Is Believing

This week's issue is brought to you by: Magical Bookshop
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Great stories!


Justice Is Served
It's my turn already?!

by german_girl16


Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Two
"Doesn't it ever stop raining?" I inquired.

by ellbot1998


A Fish Out of Water
"I don't know. Go explore or something. Just be bored somewhere else, ok?"

by thediractor


I can't tell you how many hours I've spent watching my owner, Max, standing on top of a box to be taller and screaming, "WN BD PPL BC AV UFT!"

by chocolate_fudge7


Swords at ready!

Also by water_park1993

by invalid_character

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