The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 177,388,757 Issue: 427 | 22nd day of Sleeping, Y12
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Short Stories

The Day Neopets Was Down

From the beginning, everyone knew this meeting would end horribly.

by silly51366507
True Friendship

Like usual, Lora woke up and got ready for Neoschool. On the way, like usual she walked along with Sarah, a Royal Usul. They had been best friends ever since Sarah had moved from Shenkuu.

by rider_galbatorix
Another Bathroom, Please

"By the time she gets out, it'll be time for school. There's just not enough time for all of us to have a shower before we leave."

by littlest_wiley

I trudged back to my home from school slowly. I sighed. I was tired of being picked on. I hate being small. And I hate being helpless.

by alpha_squadron_166
The Magma is Always Hotter

"Well, it would suit your personality," joked his sister Split, a strawberry Gelert. "You do have a hot temper, after all."

by hc_huggle
It Has Always Been Right in Front of You

I am so busy avoiding the trees that I do not notice a cliff, one that I am headed towards. I run off of it before I even realize it is there.

by silvercloud13
The Whimton Musicians

There was a Wall on the west side of Whimton that separated us from the plains between the town and the Haunted Woods. It was that same gloomy gray shade as the rest of Whimton, and nobody really knew why it was there.

by catofparadise
What He Saw and Heard

"Greetings, Armourer."

The Lupe stifled a nasty reply and gave Lord Darigan a hasty bow.

by dragonstorm_75

Princess Aratemese

Ara dropped her pencil in surprise. Friday, why must it be due on Friday?

by pretsel_is_back
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Using CaveMaker

You can download CaveMaker by clicking on the heart icon on the Download or Save Level page. Once you download CaveMaker, it is time for you to design your very first cave. First, you should set up your map properties. A title for your level is required. I usually tend to fill in this box once I have designed my level. This will let you come up with a name that suits your level the best. Directly below that is the terrain type. This does not have a role in gameplay, so you can just use your personal preference. However, if you want to include a secret area...

Other Stories


Top 10 Notable Neopets That Go Unthanked by the Public
I'd like to salute them for their jobs and hard work efforts with this nifty little article...

by lynnalice


Draik Eggs: Brunch, Lunch... Hatch?
There's nothing quite like a good ol' Draik Egg for breakfast, don't you agree?

by danceswithpampers


Behind Her Stars: Part One
The same day after my seventeenth birthday I was sent out to look for a job. Unlike some pets, I'd had no idea what I wanted to 'be' in the future.

by sadinei


Sands of Time: The Beginning - Part Three
The Lutari stared at her quizzically. "Metthallion? Who is that?"

Aspire intervened. "She means the Supreme Ruler."

by lovesdogsago


101 Uses of the Magma Pool
No Chias were harmed while drawing this comic.

by opentaniec


Random Oddness
Though a cool idea, it doesn't seem very practical.

by mistyqee

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