The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,290,976 Issue: 387 | 10th day of Eating, Y11
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Short Stories

Princess, Daughter, Flutist

Even from a distance, he could see how the princess's fingers moved almost effortlessly across the flute...

by precious_katuch14
Table for One

Elisha looked at the empty seat next to Sendrii. "Are you waiting for someone?" she asked.

by maltese51191
The Witchern's Egg

To break up the fight, Kimadollus stepped in. "We're close to my third great uncle's place. We could visit him. He tells the greatest stories."

by happiness_express
Perfect Lives and Little Sisters

"Yay!" my owner squealed. "Ten million neopoints! I'm going to get a Draik Egg!"

by littlemouse_rbd
The Stream Always Wins

"Ha-ha! I beat you again, Ramamoth!" Gary crowed. The little faerie Shoyru looked up at the Grarrl from where she was sprawled in the dirt. It was the sixth time that lesson he had beaten her.

by dark_rose_15
The Street Warf

"Aeyana, I'm not jealous! I'd never be jealous of your bratty attitude or your stupid Kad either!" growled Madeleine...

by xxxmagiabellexxx
Introducing Vani, the Baby Pet

She was larger than her Wocky sister now. It was proof that she was no longer painted Baby. Then she scowled as she suddenly remembered who made her that way in the first place.


by akitera

A Pirate's Life For Me... Or Is It?

*WHACK*! A ruler came slamming down on a wooden school desk, and the sleepy Gnorbu leaped from his seat in alarm.

Also written by __horses_forever__

by neckties


All Buzz must earn their wings through bravery.

by lobstrosities
Learning About Life

Kivier couldn't wait to run around and enjoy life. It was a crisp spring morning outside of their Meridell residence.

by chirigami
Of Meercas and Neggs

One poor Happy Negg found himself situated in between two red ones. The red Neggs taunted him incessantly – they found the chances of the Meerca saving him equal to the chances of Sloth finally gaining world domination.

by crazy_holly_ii
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"Table for One" by maltese51191
"Sendrii, the usual?" The Plushie Cybunny looked up from her seat at the counter, and smiled at the aproned Shoyru in front of her. The shop was busy that morning; the bell jingled as customers walked in and out of the door. The Cybunny leaned closer so that the shopkeeper could hear her. "Yes, please," she said. "Mint Tea would be lovely..."

Other Stories


So Many Games, So Little Time... Find Your Best Fit!
If you find yourself struggling earning the amount of neopoints you would like to, or if you just want to play a game you really enjoy, here's a quick guide.

by mercyofthefallen


Easter Negg Hunt - Easter Cybunny Style
The Top 10 countdown to where you should hide your neggs from the Easter Cybunny himself.

by jasminepavin


New World: Part Four
Breakfast went slowly; we forced ourselves to make polite conversation for Kris, though I could tell the others wanted to continue the wrestling match.

by kirednb


Secrets in Shenkuu: Part Two
Solara skilfully scaled the wall outside her window. She had had years of practice finding holds. In no time she was on the ground...

by a_greenparrot


Random Events in Neopia 4

by spirited_dolphin


Never Too Good
I wouldn't eat that if I were you.

by jackjack1234

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