Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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Short Stories

A Day in the Life of a Health Nut

"That's right, class! Today is National Neopian Job-Shadowing day, a day that invites you to follow a working Neopian on a work day to see what their career is like."

by lassie_nikki
Broken Dreams

I remember one time when it wasn't that way. When it was just me, just me and Mom…

by aikomizu92
Getting Rid of Zara

Little frowned. "Momma, aren't you going to help me find Zara?" he asked...

by broadwaybaby986
A Bad Dream

"Ha. No matter how hard every pirate acts, they are a total softie about makeup."

by anna_invincible
A Gift From the Doomed

"We really don't have too much of a choice, ZuBuxu. The Ferryman's last boat ride of the week is tonight..."

by xxnekoninjaxx
My Friends, My Family, and Me

You are probably wondering why I, a once beautiful red Acara, now dingy, unkempt, and dirt poor, am standing in line in the Soup Kitchen...

by feliscata
Chronicles of the Mahirmai Khan: Lost

Lazily, Raghidmab debated whether it was worth the effort to walk down the hill to the creek for a drink. Thirst finally won over lethargy...

by nimras23

I barely had time to put my Usuki back on the bookshelf before I managed to catch nearly all of them, but a few of my prized possessions smashed on contact with the solid wooden floor...

by kindheartedfairy
Scaring Simohn

Not every Halloween Blumaroo is good at scaring other neopets...

by blumaroocrazy21
The Phantom of 1000 Tombs

"I don't know if that means there would be treasure there, Zaqa," Meti murmured, looking slightly afraid...

by anjie
The Downfall of Altador

Today was a festival for the heroes of Altador, celebrating their accomplishments and triumphs that they did for their homeland. It was taking place in the Hall of Heroes...

by wingsofblindlove
The Star of Friendship

Her purple faerie wings fluttered every once in a while, and her violet hair was only slightly disheveled. But this was only on the outside. Inside, the Faerie Queen was furious...

by ezparanza
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"Getting Rid of Zara" by broadwaybaby986
I rolled my eyes. More talk about Zara, Little's imaginary Ona. "It's too early for growing Yurbles to be up and playing. Go back to sleep, honey." Little growled at me, hoping it would make me think he was tougher than he really was...

Other Stories


Eggs or Neggs?
Are neggs more nutritious than eggs? Can eggs be as pretty as neggs? There are a lot of questions we would like to have answered...

by twiddl3d33


The Joys of Basic Coloured Pets
Basic coloured pets keep your everyday life and schedule in order and intact. Don’t you believe me? Here are some common problems people face with a painted pet.

by daburro


The Day The Plushies Took Over!: Part One
"This can't be. Where is everything? Why is it all plushie? What's wrong!"

by poopdoo134


The Orphan and the Beast: Part Two
“Leah, stop!” he whispered hoarsely, but the Wocky didn’t seem to notice him. She moved quietly forward as if in a daze, her footsteps soft and her eyes fixed upon the strange entity...

by sarahleeadvent


And the Meepits Outgrabe

by kittylin


Finding Constellations
How to find the constellations...

by riddle_twins

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