The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 195,354,468 Issue: 845 | 26th day of Collecting, Y20
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Tor & Roberta's Halloween Misadventure

It was a crisp and chilly day in Neopia. The sounds of crackling leaves, hissing Meowclops, and the smell of hot Borovan was around every corner. It was the morning of Halloween.

by coco_chanaynay
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"Have an Ice Halloween!" by cruthmac
It was Halloween on Terror Mountain. Well, it was Halloween everywhere, of course, but the point is, our story begins on Terror Mountain. Snow-covered jack-o-lanterns were displayed outside each house, and all the trick-or-treaters were trying to figure out how to make their costumes look good over warm coats and hats. Even in a place like this, the magic of Halloween was in the air. Patches the Christmas Bori may have been more inclined towards magic of an icy nature, but she could still feel it swirl up the mountain from the Haunted Woods, and it made her restless. Her much less magically inclined family was rather surprised when she stomped down the stairs and called out “Who wants to come to the Haunted Woods with me?” “I’m not going anywhere when there’s a Ghoul Catchers marathon on,” her brother Max said, eyes glued to the TV. Patches didn’t think he had even registered the mention of Haunted Woods. “No way,” their owner, Christy, added. “Besides, I just sat down with this popcorn.” She shoved a handful in her face to prove her point. Patches’ older brother Six looked at her curiously. “You’re referring to the legend that spending Halloween in the Haunted Woods will enhance a witch’s magic for a year, correct?” “It's not a legend,” Patches said impatiently. “I can feel it calling me. It’s true.”

Other Stories


Have an Ice Halloween!
It was Halloween on Terror Mountain.

Well, it was Halloween everywhere, of course, but the point is, our story begins on Terror Mountain. Snow-covered jack-o-lanterns were displayed outside each house, and all the trick-or-treaters were trying to figure out how to make their costumes look good over warm coats and hats.

by cruthmac


Brain Tree’s origin.
The questions of this enigmatic tree have been answered by many neopians but…how did it turn into a brain tree? Here’s the story:

by jacquelineramrez


8 Spooky Foods to Pack to Your Halloween Picnic
It’s the time of the year again - when the skies set a few hues darker and the air feels heavier as ghosts and ghouls come out to roam the streets of Neopia. Yes, it’s time for Halloween!

Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

by breakeven


Pumpkin Themed Halloween Customizations
Who ever said that when customizing your Neopets for Halloween you have to make them look spooky and evil? In this article I want to show some examples of how you can customize your Neopets in a Halloween look that isn't dark and scary.

by aleu1986


Or Something Like It: Concert Time!

written by sarika_ambrielle, art by Kittie_orion

by kittie_orion


A Spooky Halloween
... But what if I picked Bites?

by ghostkomorichu

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