For an easier life Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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A Sister's Business

...diving into his Omelette with gusto.

by nikibogwater
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"The League of Adventurers" by cosmicfire918
On yet another cold, rainy afternoon in the month of Storing, Hyren sat in his family’s library in their Altador villa, smugly ignoring the inclement weather as a fire roared in the hearth and his family and allies relaxed around him. The blue Grundo’s younger brother Pharazon and Pharazon’s friend Celice were perched on one of the sofas, reading through a stack of books they’d bought during the sorceress’s current visit to Altador, and occasionally making comments to one another about whatever they were studying. Their sister Blynn was—well, Hyren wasn’t quite sure, but the disco Zafara was probably off doing Blynn things like puddle-jumping or baking quadruple-chocolate cookies. Hyren, meanwhile, was locked in a rather intense round of Armada with his owner and the Werelupe King. Hyren enjoyed Armada—it reminded him of his days in Dr. Sloth’s Virtupets military. Virtupets programmers had developed a similar game, and Hyren had purchased it for his electronic devices to relax during rare down times in his operations. It utilised the Virtupets information networks to pit players against each other, and Hyren took pride in his elevated place in the rankings. He’d taken naturally to the game because the strategy involved was similar to what he employed as a commander of troops. At any rate, that was years ago. Now he was playing the pirate-themed version on a real wooden board with little ship pieces. And his opponents were not Virtupets officers, but a brown-haired human woman and an enormous dark-furred Werelupe.

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