Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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New Series

The Bag: Part One

Every window of every shop sparkles with red and green lights, candy canes and artificial snow. There's a Christmas tree in the doorway of every business building I pass, and even big box stores are hung with lights; large inflatable holiday characters on the roofs of many of them, waving at shoppers in the month of Celebrating wind, sending them subliminal messages to come in and buy.

by dewdropzz
Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part One

An eerie and unnerving silence filled the air as the siblings made their way through the withering, creaking forest of pale trees. A thick mist shrouded the woodland in an impenetrable cloud. The lanterns did little to fend off the low visibility; the threesome walked cautiously, taking every vigilant step, minding the path ahead and the ground beneath.

by shadowknight_72
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10 of the Best Petpets You Didn’t Know Existed

In a world full to the brim of Faellies, Wherfies, Babaas, and Meepits, you might be wondering how much more is out there. Well, I’m here to tell you that there are tons of petpets that need loving pet buddies! In fact, here are SO many petpets in Neopia that it can be hard to keep track of them all, especially those that cannot be painted; they tend to fall by the wayside quite often. So, I’m here to point out ten of the best petpets you either didn’t know about or simply forgot about.

Other Stories


The Pirate King Files - Virtupets on Lockdown
Agents Uchiha Zwiro and Mimi Kattel of the Neopia Central Defenders Unit had been sent to the Virtupets Space Station by their superior. According to the mission briefing, the Virtupets Defenders Unit required assistance on one of its missions.

by ezel68


One Last Game
The three by three grid of raised stone squares was mocking me at this point. It was clearly a puzzle, as there were dozens of other identical puzzles scattered throughout Neoquest III. But with those other puzzles there was usually a cipher, or a scroll with a hint, or something that would help you figure out the answer. I had scoured the entire area looking for anything that could tell me the answer to the puzzle, but to no avail.

by gumgum101230


The 10(-ish) NC Wearables You Had No Idea Were Cool
But here are some wearables you may not have known about that tend to be extremely hard to find (or HTF)--while their Clara cap value is 5 or fewer, if you're after one of these coveted items you may well have to put in significant time and even a substantial "overoffer" to hunt even a single willing trader down.

by playinthewaves


A Guide to Merriment for Neopia's Grinches
It is a time to celebrate our pets, Neofriends, and everything worth being joyful for, but what about those who do not care much for the joys of life? How does one cope with the holidays when they do not care about- well, anything, really? I am here to (begrudgingly) help you pretend to care about the holiday season.

by xxsicklullabiesxx


A Puppyblew's Adventure
A story of a puppyblew and his treasure.

by sophieauditore


Anniversary - Part 12
The Darkest Faerie 2

by caylista

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