teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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Aurora's Assessment: Part One

Once upon a time, in a small vale between two lesser mountains in the Terror Mountain range, there was a tiny kingdom whose population was made up solely of Bori. This kingdom was called Sevenin, and was ruled by a king and queen.

by bittersweet52
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"Secret Life of a Weak Bottled Faerie" by sevengelina
Weak Bottle Faeries - pet owners of Neopia think nothing of us, really. In our home, we can’t send you on quests or wait for you in a beautiful glade. Sure, we bless you with a special power that can help in battle, and be a really good night light when it gets dark. But for the most part, we simply sit, wait, and wish to be uncorked. For the most part. But it’s time that someone inform you about what it is we really do. Bottled Faeries are an anomaly of our own kind, because in our bottle, we don’t exist under the same rules that other citizens of Neopia do. It’s true – we can do whatever we want. And that makes us quite interesting for a trapped little thing, doesn’t it? In our respective bottles, we rule our own world, and most importantly, we observe yours too.

Other Stories


More Important Things...
Three Neopets were in their home, relaxing. It was still early in the morning, so none of them would go out to the beach yet. A red Zafara was whistling as she bustled about the house, searching endlessly for any Neopoints that their owner might have dropped in the couch or in one of the armchairs. Another pet, a green Eyrie was following her around with a frown on his face.

by olivia_lucien


The Unexpected Friend
For many years there have been rumours about the Haunted Woods. It’s said to give a home to many monsters, ghosts and other creatures that pets are afraid to talk about. The fear of the people living close to the Haunted Woods has only become worse, when a young Kougra disappeared. The little girl was playing outside the house. Her parents lost her out of sight for a few seconds, and the next moment she was gone.

by golvenzee


The Comprehensive Guide to Premium Collectibles
In January of 2013, The Neopets Team (TNT) added an additional perk to being a premium subscriber. This perk awarded every premium subscriber with a free Neocash item around the 15th of every month. In this guide, I will discuss every premium Neocash item that has been awarded so far in detail as well as give it a one to five star rating with five stars being the best

by painted_dreams87


Owning an Edible Pet
There’s a lot you want to keep in mind when you choose the huge undertaking of food-based pets. There’s some care rules that vary greatly from your regularly pets. And, these rules also vary slightly from one food-based pet to the other! But, don’t worry. Here’s some base rules and tips for caring for you newest dream pet.

by i_love_cute_neos


The Knight Shift - Adorable Edition
Drawn by Preshus_8 the baby kougra for her big sister the "Bestest knight ever!"

by shakespeareghurl


The Age Old Question
Which is it?

Also by 69uglygreenwhale

by sarah2396

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