There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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New Series

Defender of Neopia - A Krawk in Lupe Clothing: Part One

"It's nearly complete," a shadowy figure croaked, while holding a glass bottled filled with a purplish liquid. "All I need now is something to test it on."

by kinokiro
The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part One

It was not surprising to find Aventia in the kitchen at the crack of dawn, contently whisking a bowl of egg whites into stiff peaks of meringue, or leisurely kneading sour dough for baguettes.

by meganhilty
Acquisitions Specialists: Part One

From the journals of Brynneth of Brightvale, Captain of the Guard of Her Majesty Faerie Queen Fyora...

by archetype
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"Landing Stars" by eternus_dragon
Unfortunately, the computer interface could not be unplugged or otherwise made to shut up, and would continue pronouncing their doom until they were a scrap-metal crater against the burning earth. Unit Designation LaviniaMai made a memo to himself to, if he survived this, rectify the flaw...

Other Stories


A Self-Employed Writer
Altador is the place to go if you want to make it as a writer.

by chestnuttiger787


The Road to My Dream Zap
I have been the lab pet for years.

by streamergurl


Why You Should Participate in the Altador Cup
I've compiled a list of reasons you should join in on the fun.

by moonandflowers


The Mystery of Training on Mystery Island
It turns out owners aren't allowed to stay and watch their pets get trained.

by devilish_gymnast


Eggmergency Averted
Many Neopians fear Boochi, but he is certainly appreciated by some.

by ryac


Mutant Chomby Problems #2
There's almost never anything in my size!

by goneviral

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