Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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New Series

Yuletide Witches: Part One

The Christmas Yurble hummed a merry tune under his breath as he read the parchment in his hand. It was a list of names, and this would be the second time he had checked it...

by herdygerdy
Mirror, Mirror!: Part One

There were rumors about this tower, this room, this mirror. Long before the citadel had risen...

by shelbymcb85
The Gift of Winter: Part One

The only one who had seemed not to notice the unusual weather was Taelia, the Snow Faerie who lived on the highest point of Terror Mountain. She was used to the cold...

by cheeseworld101
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"Santayur's Secret" by andrewthebestes
Squirrele_7 gently opened the trapdoor... She slowly went down the ladder leading into the basement... She came down, and without even looking around, she jumped in shock... What she saw were ten blue, red, yellow and green Chias, dressed in strange clothes. They were all standing near conveyor belts... but not just switched off conveyor belts with nothing...

Other Stories


Remembering Hope
In Altador, the first snowflake is always special.

by grapesourhorse


Universal Translator
"Hello, Maoush," Mucige gushed. "How wonderful it is to see you again." The Darigan Grundo flashed a simpering smile, ensuring his cousin couldn't miss the dripping sarcasm.

by mamasimios


Holidays in Moltara
What can you expect when you enter Moltara? Read this to find out!

by brgreat101


A Journey of Giving
Pampered neopets can't be expected to work too hard around the holidays, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything for others.

by teaspill


Flapjacks Christmas

by geckobubbles


Fir Goodness' Sake
Should we tell him?

Idea by silklover

by raezyr

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