Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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Surviving the Snow: A Neopian's Guide to Winter

If you want to enjoy yourself this season without having to deal with hypothermia, read on!

by ranta
A Journey of Giving

Pampered neopets can't be expected to work too hard around the holidays, but that doesn't mean they can't do anything for others.

by teaspill
Who Says it Has to Be a Golden Star?

We hear people talk about ornaments all the time...

Also by iluvchocolate_91

by _razcalz_

Affordable Holiday Shopping!

A list of 20 items under 100,000 NP that are fun, festive, and affordable!

by xoxkar
Who's Dreaming of a White Christmas?

No snow? SNOW worries!

by jasminepavin
Holidays in Moltara

What can you expect when you enter Moltara? Read this to find out!

by brgreat101
Festive Fighting

What do you get a Wocky for Christmas when he already owns a Scuzzys Comb?

by stoicjohn
Holidays During the Holidays

Although everyone's singing about being home for the holidays, not everybody WANTS to stay in the same old place every year.

by writingkid
Holiday How-To: Gift Shopping

Preparation is key when gift shopping for your friends and family!

by giggilogalmewmew
A Stress-Free, Merry Holiday!

If you follow these tips, you're sure to have your Neopets and family all in the holiday spirit!

by tunkabata
Booking the Best

Instead of leaving your pets out freezing cold and starving this holiday season, why not book them a room at the Neolodge??!

by birdddd
The Ultimate Guide to Shopping for Your Lupe

With input from Semmek, my Darigan Lupe, I've put together a simple list of rules to help you pick the perfect gift.

by randomsilliness
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"Nighttime Wanderings" by o_liveandlearn_o
"The chance of us actually bumping into a bad guy is almost nil. You know that, Lightning." Still, Torchio pulled on the jacket and followed Lightning, making sure to extinguish the flames around him. It was snowing outside. The snowflakes fell gently, softly, drifting down to the silent world below. Torchio looked up, and saw that the stars were twinkling above in the dark...

Other Stories


Universal Translator
"Hello, Maoush," Mucige gushed. "How wonderful it is to see you again." The Darigan Grundo flashed a simpering smile, ensuring his cousin couldn't miss the dripping sarcasm.

by mamasimios


The Seraphic Legion: Gelicia's Spring
Standing proud at the gate to the Faerie Palace was a lone Christmas Wocky, clad in robes of an icy blue that suited the frigid atmosphere, watching the late shoppers...

by d_morton


Of Advents and Calendars: Part Two
Fluffy's face was full of shock. "WHAT? But isn't the Snowager... a legend?"

Also by sweetie_purple16

by chocolate_fudge7


Farside Leader: Part Three
"Farside Three!" The Commander was standing behind Geena, glaring at me. "Do you not have any sense?"

by freefalldreams


The Renegade Comic - Holiday Hope
A small gesture is all it takes, to put a smile on someone's face. Happy Holidays!! :)

by renegade_kitty


A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek Christmas
Flee the country, Hyper...

by almightywebmistress

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