Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 174,865,621 Issue: 378 | 6th day of Awakening, Y11
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New Series

Farside Base: Part One

I hadn't really thought about it since Karmapa explained his plan, but now it hit me. I was going to the moon! I was going to fly in space!

by freefalldreams
Her Majesty's Champions: Part One

It was a time for Champions. Six mortal heroes with ties to each of the six elements, who were sworn to obey the Queen and fight for good.

by saphira_27
An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part One

"Nothing ever happens here. It's probably the dullest place in Neopia."

by _lapaix
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"Kai vs. Deli: Part Eighty-Six" by visorak_commander
"Kai, get off of me! Get off now! What the heck--!" Struggling to reach her and pry her off, the Draik flailed around for a minute or two as she giggled cheerfully at his endeavor. Finally, he stopped, growling furiously at her as he tried to at least look over his shoulder at her. Kai, latched onto him with a suction cup in each paw, wasn't bothering to contain her laughter...

Other Stories


Namera's Ring
But Namera, the Maraquan Draik, knew nothing of the greedy evil watching her. She noticed nothing except for the prize that had eluded her for years.

Also by rfrchompchomp

by yami_wolfwood


Where others saw darkness, the Shadow Usul saw light...

by seegensays


Lennies: They Just Want To Be Loved
They have a vast capacity of intelligence, so in other words, they are SMART!

by sylviau


When Pets Go Green
This article will tell you everything you need to know about dealing with envious pets.

by acque_di_cristallo


The Hero Society - #17
... In which- Oh, so THAT'S where she was!

by bearcatt


A Neoquest Adventure
It's dinner time!

by ameya23

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