The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,865,621 Issue: 378 | 6th day of Awakening, Y11
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The Odd Annals of Key Quest: Losing Well

Some very odd things can happen. Let me tell you about one round in particular...

by teaspill
Market Tales: Neopians and Stock Investment Risks

When it comes to investing, risk and reward go together like bread and butter.

by maxwerx
When Pets Go Green

This article will tell you everything you need to know about dealing with envious pets.

by acque_di_cristallo
10 Ways to Break From Your Neopets Routine

Has it become nothing more than mindless clicking? Here are some ways to mix it up!

by puffalump10
Restock the Ammunition - The Bugs Strike Back

If gaming advice were neopoints, then you'd be rich after reading this article!

by typhoon8890
Add Another to your Family!

Thinking about adding another Neopet to your family, even if you only have one or two Neopets already?

by eri_beri
Velm: Hero or Traitor in Disguise?

Why does Velm get all the attention?

by ladyofthexweetoks
Ten Reasons We All Love Jhudora!

With Jhudora Day close at hand, it makes all of us Neopians think of the good times we have had with Jhudora, and why we simply love her so much.

by sweetnsour_5200
MVC Madness!

This is a guide to help anyone new to Neopets or the MVC Season sift through the mayhem and restock a card of their own!

by handella
101 Ways to Speak Evilly: Jhudora's Top 3 Excerpts

Jhudora bought—well, er... stole—a copy of this book a couple months ago, and sent us a heartfelt review...

by vanessa1357924680
Jhudora Day Joy for Anti-Valentines Day Pets

Be a sensitive Neofriend to those pets whose favorite Dark Faerie's day may feel a bit overshadowed by the hearts and the flowers.

by almostcasandra
Dressing Your Neopet for Winter

How to keep your neopet both warm and stylish all winter long - without breaking your budget.

by humauni
Lennies: They Just Want To Be Loved

They have a vast capacity of intelligence, so in other words, they are SMART!

by sylviau
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"Kai vs. Deli: Part Eighty-Six" by visorak_commander
"Kai, get off of me! Get off now! What the heck--!" Struggling to reach her and pry her off, the Draik flailed around for a minute or two as she giggled cheerfully at his endeavor. Finally, he stopped, growling furiously at her as he tried to at least look over his shoulder at her. Kai, latched onto him with a suction cup in each paw, wasn't bothering to contain her laughter...

Other Stories


Fifteen Years Ago
Like a thunderstorm it rolled towards her, dark clouds threatening to crash once they had reached her. Valentines Day.

by iloenchen


Kai vs. Deli: Part Eighty-Six
"Kai, what have I always said about bothering our cousins when they come visit?"

by visorak_commander


Sky Pirates!: Part Two
Pirates didn't plan little things like that. They didn't need to. Pirates just ran in screaming with the cutlass held high and hoped for the best.

by herdygerdy


Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Eleven
The throne room of Sakhmet Palace was crowded and noisy, with all sorts of guests from the highest royalty to the lowest peasants.

by precious_katuch14


NeoQuest II: Avatar Frenzy
Recipe of the day: avatar!

by dyd_666_81


Neopian Philosophy
Tall tales.

by wicked_summer

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