Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 176,283,283 Issue: 344 | 23rd day of Hunting, Y10
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New Series

The Darkest One - Book 1: Bringer of Night - Part One

It wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t always a servant to darkness. I was once a hero in my time...

by amwolford
Family Secrets: Part One

"How's your mother?" I asked politely as I poured him a small glass of the shimmering elixir. Although I hadn't spoken to her in nearly five years, she was, after all, my sister...

by dan4884
The Frozen Skeith - A Princess Airy Tale: Part One

Airy and Towsier may have bitten off more than they can chew when they offer to help a witch get a rare flower...

by brokensilent
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"A One Act Play Concerning Mendelev the Kacheek" by spunk1
"Why? 'Why?' he asks, the hardened criminal of the day! Yes, yes, I'm sure you have your speech planned out to the last innocent plea. 'Let me play the wrongly accused, let me pretend to not even know what crime I have committed,' you have said, as I am sure you have, to yourself. Well, let me assure you, this nonsense..."

Other Stories


Jelly Welly, My Bestest Friend Ever!
"Ooh, what is it, what is it? Tell me!" Little Parlat was so excited; he was jumping up and down with glee...

by ffamran


Sea and Sky: The Story of the First Faerie Peophin
Above the sound of waves crashing to the beach, she could hear a soft cry. As she swam closer to an outcropping of rocks fringed by berry bushes...

by princess_raging


Beneath the Rocky Surface: The Interview with a Rock
A pet rock + A translator = An interview.

by yippo_yippee


What Sort of Paintbrush Suits YOU?
Take the following quiz to find out exactly what kind of paintbrush suits YOUR personality!

by 1stlittlepig


Just Click to Read
The Pound is Open!

by buzzbuzz_g27


Picnic and... Trophy?? o.O
My little pets decided to go on a picnic and... brought me a Trophy on their way. o.O

by morieae

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