For an easier life Circulation: 117,233,045 Issue: 233 | 31st day of Running, Y8
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New Series

How The Drenched Came To Be: Part One

"I will be banished because of this 'blessing.' This is no blessing for me, it's an awful curse! You've never had the weight of Maraqua on your shoulders..."

by ewagon
A Confusing Conglomeration: Part One

Rocky finally glanced up and noticed the box. "What's that?" he asked, trying to untangle his two pairs of feet to stand up...

by appaloosa500
Return of the Double Agent: Part One

The shady blue Zafara walked through the corridors of Meridell Castle, drawing her hood over her eyes. Every time a guard would stop her and ask what she was doing there, she would produce a written letter with the seal of King Skarl on it...

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14

Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part One

"Hey Jacqueline, can I please go Meridell?" he asked suddenly, straightening up and brushing stray cookie crumbs off his clothes. Oops. He just remembered-

by grapesourhorse
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Gross: A Closer Look

The label Gross Foods may be misleading. Many of these foods will not gross out many Neopians. There are other foods that are on the same level or worse than many Gross Foods. Parts on a Pizza, for example, is much grosser than a Chocolate Duck Rump but perhaps on the same level as a Brain Kebab, and that is a Spooky Food. Here is my take on Gross Foods...

Other Stories


Nightmare of the Full Moon
Without warning a shadowy figure descended on her. She snarled, her claws flashing. A shaft of moonlight revealed a brown Lupe, laughing...

by ezparanza


Where We Belong
She wasted no time in filling up the glass jar with fresh ocean water, and then she hastened back to the pool. Nat pulled the Peo out the water...

by duster119


Mynci Beach Volleyball: the Way to WIN!
I have devised a list of easy to follow tips that are designed with YOU, yes you, in mind. Follow these hints, practice your little heart out and with a little luck the avatar and maybe even a shiny trophy might soon be yours.

by alyndasgallery


10 Key Items for an April Fool's Trickster
Well, has there ever been a legendary joker that didn’t have the proper slippery materials to assist him in his practical joking? I think not.

by lassie_nikki


The Average Eyrie?: Chocolate!?
Uh oh.

by goatsrus


Slorg and a Half
You said you wouldn't tell...

by warrior20012

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