The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 99,729,623 Issue: 198 | 8th day of Swimming, Y7
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New Series

The Swashbuckler Within: Part One

Dragyte the red Aisha (dressed rather smashingly as a pirate) glanced around him, undaunted by the mass of scruffy, smelly seadogs spitting and screaming over his shoulder...

by mimed
Mushroom for Phila: Part One

Far away from the shops and tourist attractions, even from the farthest Neohomes, deep in the jungle right by a small river was a single campfire and four Neopets sitting around it...

by ssjelitegirl
Paths Not Seen: Part One

The young yellow Krawk sighed again, opening his eyes. Not that opening them made a difference...

by fierwym
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"Lost: Baby Kau. Please return to Faerieland Library" by tessd1891
He decided to go to Faerieland to visit his favorite place, the library. He liked to read, and he loved talking to the Library Faerie. She was so smart, he thought she must know everything...

Other Stories


Altering Destinies
All Neopians have destinies. It is up to them, however, to choose what they do...

Also by hottamale0774

by humblely


Ancient Blood
He reached out to help uncover the mysterious stone block's face from beneath layers of desert sand. "Now, tell me again how you found this?"

Also by Demiurgec

by laurelinden


Neopets TCG: Plushietastic!
This deck, while adorable, can be a little complicated to play...

by neopian_queen_liana


How to Be a Neodeck Card Collector
Neodeck cards. Their popularity seems to have lessened recently, but there are still a few people out there who collect them...

by _falling_star___


Get well soon ... ?
A misunderstood sincerity? Or ... ?

by _wattlebird_


Adskidaf, Inc.
Pancakes, anyone?

by _chazm_

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