Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 917 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y22
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Continued Series

A Hero's Ballad

The thrilling conclusion to A Hero's Ballad!

by parody_ham
A Mind Full of Shadow

Vinas managed to bring Dark to the hospital, but he has no intention of staying there...

by ade1
Mira Squad Tales-Portals

The Mira Squad furthers their investigation and begins to gather some evidence!

by lupe_hunter_7
Brothers in Stars

Rohane trains with his team and tries to steel his nerves about the upcoming mission.

by precious_katuch14
Maeryc and the Wish-Granter's Code

Maeryc comes up with an unexpected plan to help Spike boost his math grades.

by dewdropzz
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"Tropical (F)ire" by nick_and_nickette
Takes place in Y22 (2020) It's not often that a servant goes on vacation. True, the Nightsteed might be a retired one, and a noble of sorts, but still, a servant and loyal friend to the King of Qasala. The old Uni had never been outside the Lost Desert in all his very long life. Even though he loved his home, he felt like he needed something different, something new. But nothing too crazy. He was very old, after all. He couldn't go on risky adventures. He figured he needed to go someplace to relax — but where? Then he remembered, he had heard about this "Mystery Island" a while ago. He also heard it was a tropical paradise. That sounded nice, he thought to himself. So, he decided he wanted to go there. "Are you sure about this, dear friend? I don't know about...

Other Stories


Tropical (F)ire
Nightsteed goes on a tropical vacation, hijinks ensue. Enjoy!

by nick_and_nickette


A Quiet Night in Altador
The streets of Altador are usually quiet at night...

by kadface


Customization Guide for your Jetsam
This guide will help you make your Jetsam look better than ever! collaboration with aliiwa

by kontinaru1


5 Ways to Celebrate Symol Day
Some suggestions on how to spend this criminally underrated holiday!

by mellody_sou_10


The Pain of Shopping for Dubloons
When it's too good to be true...

by karana__


Totally Worth It!
Love overcomes everything... a collaboration with vitrais

by hoppip_grass

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