Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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Continued Series

The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Nine

Pharazon had no idea what to say. This was the moment he and Celice had been dreading, and although Pharazon had put on a brave front earlier, now that it was actually happening, the only thing he could think of to do was, perhaps, hide under the bed. But fear kept him rooted to the spot.

by cosmicfire918
Undead Rising: Part Eight

“Are you ready?” Edlun grasped the amulet in his wing, ready to remove it and give it to Bernard. Bernard nodded, holding his hands out ready to accept the amulet. Edlun slowly removed the golden amulet from around his neck, as his form began to fade into the sunlight.

by yoshisislandbandit
KATIPO I: Restart: Part Five

You can see farms on the hills where future knights do their morning chores, and you can see castles in the distance where heroes plan their next journey. The fields of flowers seem endless, and the bright-coloured flags that dot the dirt paths to and from the neighbouring towns seem almost surreal in their mystical beauty.

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Greatest Show In Neopia!: Part Three

The small grass hut rang with laughter as the four Neopian friends talked and joked together deep into the starry night. Kadar and Connie had found their missing companion, Jarvis, eating from a huge bowl of Bone Soup that had been offered to him by the incredibly hospitable mutant Krawk.

by chavo_guerrero
Chasing Treasure: Part Two

Midnight came. Midnight went. Half past midnight came and went. At seventeen minutes to one, Sam appeared, bow tie hanging untied around his neck and shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

by aethelar
Karamita and the Lab Jazz: Part Four

Karamita was frozen in place as she stared at the Neopians playing their instruments. It seemed as if either the instrument was being improperly played or the instrument wasn’t a real instrument.

by rocksysmom
An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Two

The town, though small is separated out into four different areas. The town centre faces the sea, in between its North and South sections. Towards the East, and surrounding it is a forest which spans for miles. It is through this forest that many use its ways to get to other parts of the region in those days.

by yin_yin_7
The Snow Faerie's Quest: Part Two

Sammy and Jack exchanged a nervous glance. “We’ll find you an Orange Negg for the Negg Faerie, don’t worry, Taelia,” Sammy reassured her, and watched as she closed the door in front of them. Sammy turned to his friend. “Even Taelia knows about the Snowager,” he said.

by sacados
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"Just Another Day" by grimmbones7
I walked in to the bank with Archie as I do every day. I collected my daily interest, waved to the Skeith, and walked out the door. As I turned the corner to go check my shop till, I noticed a forlorn looking Kadoatie. Archie leaned down and the little Kadoatie wandered over and mewed. "Mom, mom can we keep him?!" "He looks lost, why don't we drop him at the Kadoatery?" "Aw… okay mom." We dropped him off and the staff put him in the back with the other mewing Kadoaties. Archie and I stopped at my shop to pick up the day's earnings, which was nice and big because of all the Neggs I restocked! Then we headed off to pick up a petpet from Grave Danger. Then we headed to Altador. When we got to the Council Chamber to collect our prize for finishing the plot, I heard a mew. Beside Jerdana's chair is the Kadoatie! I couldn't believe it. "Look mom, he followed us. He wants to come home with us!" "Sorry little man, maybe another time" We left the Kadoatie with the council and headed back over the mountain to Haunted Woods. Archie tried apple bobbing, but came up feeling dizzy. We trekked down into the swelting desert to hit those ones. He spun the fruit machine slot and won a White Paint Brush and 15,000 NP! "This is the best prize we've ever won from here mom, we need to keep him!" "Sorry buddy. You already have a petpet!" "Fine." We sought out wisdom from Coltzan's Shrine and found a buried scroll in the sand. He tried throwing darts in Kiko Lake, but almost hit a Kiko because something bumped his leg. This Kadoatie was definitely following us... Archie just gave me a pleading look. We trekked to Brightvale to try to impress King Hagan, but he didn't think we were very bright. So we tried to humour King Skarl, and he laughed hysterically! He gave us some stew and a bag of neopoints. The Kadoatie thought the jingling bag was a toy so he batted at it while I carried it out. We went to visit the Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity. Archie waited around and he started playing with the Kadoatie.

Other Stories


Caught in The Middle
Looking up at Alvina, I smile as I hand over my latest find: a Bubbling Fungus. Alvina and I have worked together for years now. She knew me back in my poor days when I was nothing special; just a blue skeith with no neopoints to my name. Part of my financial success and climb up the social ladder is due to my dealings with Alvina.

Also by ily171717

by clemsonrowing


Just Another Day
I walked in to the bank with Archie as I do every day. I collected my daily interest, waved to the Skeith, and walked out the door. As I turned the corner to go check my shop till, I noticed a forlorn looking Kadoatie. Archie leaned down and the little Kadoatie wandered over and mewed.

by grimmbones7


A Review of the Best Coffee in Neopia
As we prepare ourselves for the weather to get colder, why not head down to the Coffee Cave (found in Neopia Central's Art Centre) to try some of the incredible coffee products that are offered? While some may think that coffee is only a way to feel more awake in the morning, they are terribly misconceived!

by goldie11147


Becoming a Well-Rounded Neopian in 7 Days
Everyone experiences Neopia differently, and there is definitely no right or wrong way to enjoy this world. But unless you try it all, you never know what fun and exciting areas you might be missing out on. Each day looks at a different area of the site, and suggests multiple ways to enjoy that feature.

Also by spurstrap

by suixx


Episode 3: Fyora
Where is that stupid window?

Also by sergente__hartmann

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu


Gormball Behind the Scenes
Thyassa has zero chill

by vanillafilth

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