Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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Continued Series

I Will Stand Alone: Part Seven

She sniffed. "How can it be that we did everything right, and it still went wrong?"

Jazan offered his best explanation. "Because Fate is a vindictive twit?"

by saphira_27

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Five

The Spooky Food cart was tucked in a dark corner of the Deserted Fairground, just behind the Bagatelle kiosk...

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

Petpet Adventures: Windrider - Part Six

They must have been close to the Maraquan Circle, because the onset of the storm was fierce and unexpected...

by rachelindea
Masquerade: Part Three

I felt King Hagan's downward gaze on us as he sat upon his throne. In a boisterous voice he said, "What words of wisdom do you have to share with me, the wisest of all?"

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Storm of Fortunes: Part Three

"Nobody's seen him. He's like a ghost."

by thorndove
Just Cookies: Part Two

"Get up! All the cookies are gone!"

by checkered_cat
Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Two

I fastened the pin of my cape tighter than I had before. I was out all day, desperately hoping that I would spy her taking refuge within a forest nook, or gloomily wandering around the County outskirts...

by ellbot1998
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"Keep Smiling" by blueys45
"You're okay... I knew it... I knew you had to be alive! This... This is wonderful..." Lampyri muttered under her breath. Then for no rhyme or reason, a monotonous laugh began to make its way out of her mouth. With each passing second, Lumin became even more disturbed by what he was seeing. But if he was going to do anything about it, he needed answers first. "What happened? What are you doing here?"

Other Stories


The Waitress Couldn't Care Less
Contrary to popular belief, waitresses and waiters do form opinions about their customers, and they aren't always nice ones.

by marmitejar


Livrerêve: Deceptive World
There lies a barrier between dreams and truths, one that all are aware of, few can see, but none can truly cross.

by kittenkutie936


Give Peas a Chance!
Many Neopets traditionally eat a plant-based diet. Vegetarians are part of our heritage...

by joey200010


Hats Make All the Difference
They tell stories. They attract attention. They lend themselves to humor and heroism. These articles of clothing represent the true character of the Neopets that wear them.

by havittaa


Greyscale: Evil
Common puns find their way into Neopia. It's classic! It's monochromatic!

by toffeedatepudding


It's Always Sunny in the Lost Desert
...unless you live with a Grey pet, that is.

by shehadaname1

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