Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,176,258 Issue: 453 | 23rd day of Swimming, Y12
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Continued Series

Revolution Undercloud: Part Ten

"Pretty words in your time of greatest peril," Sloth sneered.

by tealnova_dragon
Secrets of the Space Necklace: Part Eight

Everyone gasped as Chloe pointed to Miss Van Sparkleton...

by downrightdude
Ascension: Part Eight

'Tell us what she plans to do and we can stop her before it is too late. Otherwise you may have to answer to "Queen Illusen" come morning.'

by d_morton
Tatterwings: Part Six

The Darkest Faerie threw back her blue-black head and laughed. "Look at what's become of you, Jennumara!"

by saphira_27
Alysia's Destiny: Part Three

"You... you kidnapper!! Let me go! Someone will realize I'm missing and send the Defenders of Neopia after you..."

by uberdancingdolphin
The Kacheek Club: An Anniversary Adventure - Part Four

All was almost silent as the four Kacheeks roamed the deserted hallways. "Do you guys hear that sound?" Bridgette wrinkled her nose and looked around...

by jenlin_25
Finding Crystal: Part Five

"Move out of the Haunted Woods. Even Neovia isn't safe enough. You saw what happened before, didn't you? The whole town cursed."

by hedgehog_queen
The Enigma of Friendship: Part Three

"Lamc nowd." Despite the instruction to relax, the young red Lenny found himself tensing up more.

by amb403
Into the Depths: Part Four

Swimming through the seaweed up to Caylis, she opened her clawed hands to reveal a golden armlet.

by bluecloud300
A Victim of Circumstance: Part Two

Weeks passed and still Balfair remained in the pound.

by fruitful_
Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Two

"Have you been to the Advent Calendar already?" she said excitedly. "I'm on my way there right now! What did they give out?"

by sapphirekira
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Save the Wheels? Pah!

Listen up. May I ask, have you donated to the 'Save the Wheels' campaign? You most likely have, and quite a bit too. I assume you thought those donations were going towards renovating Neopia's most popular wheel, the Wheel of Excitement? Well, that 'nice, friendly, caring' red Lenny hardly needs well over three billion neopoints to do that, now, does he? TNT would do it for free! That Lenny is a cheating conman! And I have evidence!

Other Stories


A Day in the Life of a Fish Tank
When the human and neopets had finally fallen asleep, the Catamara and the Pepito swam to one side of the tank...

by halloweens_lady


Voyage of the Golden Pearl
"Cap'n, there's a storm brewin' t'the north!"

by newenglandquizzer


Wait, What? Another Restocking Guide for Newbies?
I thought it would be best to start from the very beginning and focus on new users.

by mushymerf


Lord Darigan's Not-So-Secret Lifestyle
I asked Darigan what it's like to be the Lord of Darigan Citadel.

by nerdytiger


Little House on Roo Island: Sketchy?
He deserved that.

by kanalusa


Lighthouse Life - The freeloader
Excuse me?

by louishooper

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