Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 181,176,258 Issue: 453 | 23rd day of Swimming, Y12
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Achievement Award Books: To Read or Not To Read?

With the addition of the new Altador Cup Achievement Awards this year for the fifth annual Altador Cup Tournament, many people may suddenly be wondering what to do with four new books on their hands.

by bittersweet52
A Basic Guide to the Employment Agency

I'll help you figure out the basics of how the Neopian Employment Agency is set up in this useful little guide.

by alt1981black
Wait, What? Another Restocking Guide for Newbies?

I thought it would be best to start from the very beginning and focus on new users.

by mushymerf
Which Uncommon Faerie Are You?

We've all heard the likes of Fyora, Jhudora and Illusen a plenty but what about the other faeries? Take this QUIZ!

by lollypopxz
Wishing Un-Well?

This awesome new avvie is every collector's dream.

by bessie_13
10 New Trophies To Spice Up Your Lookup

Turn a difficult trophy into an easily attainable one.

Also by pafc_will

by penury

Lord Darigan's Not-So-Secret Lifestyle

I asked Darigan what it's like to be the Lord of Darigan Citadel.

by nerdytiger
Save the Wheels? Pah!

The whole of Neopia is at risk here. Perhaps even the Meepits.

by luke_is_cool44
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"A Day at the Food Club" by momr1
Edna stepped around the corner to get the Neggsweeper. As she went by, she stopped and put in the Moon Rock Rampage CD and cranked the volume. As Spacerocked! blasted from the stereo, she danced through the slime on the floor and winked at me. "You know," she said, "it's always easier to clean when you can Mop 'n' Bop. Sometimes it helps if you can just Make Some Noise..."

Other Stories


Charolette and the Awful MuuMuu
There she stood, in the middle of Uni's Clothing wearing what could only be described as an oversized floral muumuu, making her way out the door without even a garment in her hand to cover up that insane ensemble.

by dolcebby


Royal at Heart
"How else do you think Faerieland stays up?" I asked, scratching his head. "The faeries have a special spell that makes the clouds solid enough for them to live on."

by treihaven


Into the Depths: Part Four
Swimming through the seaweed up to Caylis, she opened her clawed hands to reveal a golden armlet.

by bluecloud300


Tatterwings: Part Six
The Darkest Faerie threw back her blue-black head and laughed. "Look at what's become of you, Jennumara!"

by saphira_27


Meet the newest foster pet.

by thedarkangel103


Pink's New Look
Isn't she pretty?

by yamap21

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