Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 177,117,159 Issue: 318 | 16th day of Storing, Y9
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Continued Series

Deep Secrets: Part Twelve

The Xweetok kept an eye on the Draik's Dagger through a little brass telescope he kept in his waistcoat pocket. The ship was steady on her course: they must not have noticed them yet...

by extreme_fj0rd
Blue's Way: Part Eight

"The DoN headquarters won't send me any backup!" the Kougra growled...

by kimssuperanimals
Ultimate Decision: Part Eight

The Darkest Faerie stood, tall and silent, in the center of the Hall of Heroes. After everything that had happened to Renelle, this overshadowed all...

by reggieman721
Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Seven

As he turned onto Bone Marrow Ave, he could see a column of smoke rising into the air. It was coming from the direction of his neohome!

by shinkoryu14
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Exported Eustabees - Part Six

Dash nodded, blue ears flopping. "That's good. Us too. So Jazz and I were thinking... maybe it would be cool if we all kind of... collaborated on the case. Whaddaya say?"

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Mutant Prince: Part Seven

Before anyone knew it, the cloudbound sun was setting behind the scraggly tree tops. There was one last address on the list of names: Edna the Witch...

by maipom
A Spy's Tale: New Life - Part Five

"And you're sure she's not here in the palace?" Tabur asked Leon for what seemed like the hundredth time...

by allo_allo_numa
The Challenge: Part Five

"This is it?" squeaked Torch, his voice raising several octaves, for they stood in the middle of a graveyard...

by kandeegrrl
The Ties That Bind: Part Five

Sam sighed in relief. "Okay... well... I guess if Garret isn't going to get an invitation out of Mel, I'll just have to go to the party anyway..."

by sytra
I Am Moehawk: Part Three

In each chair sat a gaunt neopet, staring up at him. He stared back at them, not knowing what to do. He'd never been to the Pound before...

by anorexnik
A Haunted Path: Part Four

"I didn't know anything had happened until--" Bella paused again and looked up through the twisted branches...

by ayame_23
Wannabe Pirates: Part Two

"I had been keeping an eye on the docks since I got here, looking to either join a crew or purchase a ship. Then this Nimmo came storming off of this ship..."

by steelseatimber
The Atlas Saga, Book One - Return to Neopia: Part Two

I stepped into the spacious hut, followed closely by my Neopets, and relaxed as I saw a familiar face. Well, a familiar mask, rather...

by spiderboy9115
Dance of the Meepits: The Neovian Attack - Part Five

"The exit's right by the beginning of the swamps. I can go to my shack and get my spare wand and potions! Then we attack the Meepits."

by jockylocky
Evil Death: Part Four

It all hit him suddenly. Gloria had fed him the poison apple...

by sirussblack
Witches!: Part Four

The six witches were now alone. "How are we going to challenge Lord Belton if we can't do magic while he's wearing the pendant?" asked Lisha...

by herdygerdy
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"Dream Pet" by roseroar88
For a month or so he'd been watching pets come and go from his little spot in the wall of cages. Most had been painted; some had been Limited Edition, but none of them had stayed longer than ten minutes. He'd envied those pets...

Other Stories


A Series of Suspicious Events: The Baby Sister Crime
I could sit in relative shade. I had added the final touch: a sign which read: Chloe's Lemonade Stand and Detective Services...

by concertogreat_8


I can't remember exact details... just the beginning and the end...

by petfriendamy


Finding Fun, Fighting Foul Freaks: Fling Fuzzles Far
Never fear, faithful Neopians, for Zygorax, the blue Grundo normally in charge of cleaning up the filth, has been chosen by his peers to go into the X-Scrub 4000 Walker Bot...

by spongebob234529


The Players of Neopets
There are a lot of different players on Neopets.

by maddisi93


Innocent?! I think not!! (Framed)
Starring: Gus

Also by plutoplus1

by richnangela005


What Color Am I?

by greenladysoap

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