Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,117,159 Issue: 318 | 16th day of Storing, Y9
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New Series

Fearsome: A Grarrl's Story - Part One

"Oh dear." The larger creature bent to peer at him. "I could've sworn I asked for a Shoyru..."

by shelleylow
Dusk's Enterprise: Research Inc. - Part One

A little idea becomes a business, and a few prejudices are cleared away. Dusk is back in a new story!

by alkuna_
Tales of Dark Mountain: Moonlight - Part One

The Lirse and the Sorsay. Two bands of Shoyrus that once lived in harmony...

by kaylamdal111112
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"Dream Pet" by roseroar88
For a month or so he'd been watching pets come and go from his little spot in the wall of cages. Most had been painted; some had been Limited Edition, but none of them had stayed longer than ten minutes. He'd envied those pets...

Other Stories


Before the Scars
"I was wondering if I could ask you about what the Citadel was like before you got on the Council...."

by torkie10


Dream Come True
Just as I was thinking that I heard a giggle. A giggle which chilled me to the bone...

by horsecrazy974


Finding Fun, Fighting Foul Freaks: Fling Fuzzles Far
Never fear, faithful Neopians, for Zygorax, the blue Grundo normally in charge of cleaning up the filth, has been chosen by his peers to go into the X-Scrub 4000 Walker Bot...

by spongebob234529


Meridell, Home of Ultimate Bullseye (2)
You play as the cute little Turdle, standing over a ballista. The friendly Buzzer will aid you...

by s57v58


Peaceful Petition

by maniacally


You shouldn't have to say that?

by coshi_dragonite

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