Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Continued Series

Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Ten

Saura pricked his ears up. He could easily hear sounds from the stronghold at this height where there was nothing but a few miles of thin air between him and the Fortress. "They're preparing for the attack..."

by ssjelitegirl
In This Together: Part Seven

"Kougra? Oh, be sure I've seen one," the old Zafara snapped, slamming her mixing ladle against the side of her cauldron with an enormous clang. "He was here..."

by rainbow_daydreamer
The Hoarders: Part Six

"Are you ready for your second day?" The muscles on his face twitched a little, but he kept his expression serious. "You've definitely proven yourself already, so I think today we can move to the next level."

by ruff_zette
Whispers: Part Five

Without giving her time to catch her breath, the Soul Eater struck out at her again...

by betazoid_telepath
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Disappearing Deaver - Part Five

The figure turned around, dropping the item. It skidded across the floor and hit me in the foot. I bent to pick it up, a whittling knife. Then my lantern and eyes moved upwards...

by playmobil_is_my_life
Revisited: Part Five

"Yes, but we do need to be careful. None of the rest of us wants to get caught." He looked around at everyone in the group, leading them back toward the way they had come, intending to return to the hallway. No one really wanted to go back...

by puppy200010
Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Four

"It must have been Yang," Lao decided. Only the evil Draik would ever suggest such a frightening prospect. But Lao remained uncertain. The Draik had known the words of the haiku Rorru had given, and Lao was nearly positive that Ying had been the one to lead him toward Rorru's dwelling...

by reggieman721
Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Four

"The coins," the Draik said calmly, "are magical. They were made long ago after the Gelert defeated the creature by a young Xweetok. She gave them to the Gelert and his friend, a Draik. They were declared the Guardians..."

by kaylamdal111112
A Heroine's Heist: Part Three

Stan had finally caught up with the Elephante guards and now stood behind them. He watched in awe as Cassie climbed up the gates...

by jayandcourtneyk
A Very Feepit Christmas: Part Four

Every time either one of them mentioned anything about getting rid of the "little pest," Cadmium's huge green eyes filled up with tears, and she would protest, pointing out that the Feepit always behaved around her...

by rainpaint
Cylara's Journey: Part Three

Just as she felt that she could go no further, Cylara saw an orange glint. Even in the darkness, it seemed to glow somehow...

Also by denimsweetheart

by doughnut215

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Jealousy - Part Two

The pirate Lupess muttered to herself as she escaped out into the main part of Brightvale's castle. Rolan had, probably rather foolishly, given Mareian permission to roam freely about the castle. The Lupess planned on taking full advantage of that to explore and find all the escape routes. Old habits die hard...

by nimras23
The Blue Blumaroo: Part Two

Melissa had agreed to join her two best friends on a shopping trip (the second in two days), not because she wanted to actually buy anything, but because she wanted to find a friend for her little brother Joey. It sounded completely bizarre, of course, but...

by rainbow2skittle
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"A Day at the Neopian Times" by vivaldi_gurl
At the bottom floor of the offices of the Neopian Times, four Faerie Clouds await to lift inquirers, copyboys, assistants, reporters, and editors to their separate domains. To the outsider's eye, it may seem like a mess, but to the insider, this is merely routine. In fact, the hustle and bustle of the plaza entrance is relaxing compared to what happens after...

Other Stories


A Day at the Neopian Times
What goes on in the inner workings of the NT? Read on...

by vivaldi_gurl


"Don't go in there," Zan had always told him. The yellow Ruki smirked and picked up his pace to a brisk run...

by biogirl1991


When Gnomes Go Bad - A Guide
Watch out! Flying cheese!

by roses_suga_and_stars


Breaking a Way Out of Bruno’s Backwoods
Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway proves to be an action-packed fun game that is sure to be a challenge to the average Neopian. However, do not fear, as today, I am going to share with you the tips to getting that *shiny* trophy...

by superpepe


*Sniff* Omelette Defender
Aw, man...

Art by ann13131313131

by henry6242


Poor petpets.

by lycan_is_weird

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