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Brightvale: Come and Learn
We in Brightvale have just observed our national day. Despite the uncanny grey that has settled over the kingdom, it was a joyous occasion; my people, as well as a myriad of visitors, came in droves to my castle in celebrations that I, King Hagan, hosted. But, the festivities gave me a moment’s pause. I love this kingdom and each within it who make it the bastion of knowledge and excellent fruit, and based on tax revenue reported by the Wheel of Knowledge, the Motery, the Book Shop, the Armoury, the Scrollery, the Potionery, the Glaziers, and the farmers, Neopians love Brightvale too. These attractions are indeed what first draws the eye in any Brightvale map. As king, however, I know there is much more Brightvale has for visitors to do, yet these things are often overlooked. With writing one of my many interests, penning an article to call attention to these lesser known sights should truly have occurred to me sooner. Alas, wiser minds before me have said it best: better late than never!
1. Tour Brightvale Castle
While I open my throne room hoping to receive new words of wisdom, I do also choose certain days to open the rest of the castle. I commissioned it, after all, and it remains my pride and joy; sharing this with others is only natural. Every window and spire has a history that the castle tour guides—not to be confused with the royal guards—are happy to tell. Because it is my residence and the guards take their due precautions, tour reservations must be made six months in advance and depend on Court approval. It can be somewhat of a wait, and reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis, but the castle tour is free, even to non-Brightvale citizens. Besides the guided history tour, visitors can:
*Peruse one of the castle’s libraries. Yes, plural! Be aware, books must remain inside the castle; they are not gifts, but my own collections I share for the day.
*Talk to those in the castle. Because of its vast tomes of knowledge, the castle draws renowned scholars worldwide, and any scholar worth their salt wastes no opportunity to discuss their work. My staff is friendly, too, and I certainly hope I am approachable!
*Walk through the gardens. Garden staff are immensely prideful...
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