Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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The Lost City, part 3

What will Shad and Saura get into next...

by ssjelitegirl
Going Ham With Ham

"Enjoy your monthly freebies!" Collab with jenna_lyn_russell & squirrel__girl

by feraico
Common Sense

One more reason why you should read the editorial!

by supergirl_lazergirl
Merchant's Union

These don't look like the Neoquest monsters of the same name.

by evil__sakura
Eggstravagant Taste

Can you not? Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty
A Kadoatie's Secret

Here is what one little Kadoatie does with items she receives in the Kadoatery.

by tatyanne
Bad Idea, Dude: Meet the Baby

"Mmmn...Need coffee."

by fluffy_bumbkin
The Floating Islanders - Introductions

New faces aren't always as new as you think.

by yankeesrule244444456
Faellie Tales 11: Oopsy Daisy

It's the sweet ones who are the scariest.

by coco6468
What are the chances...

Another Faerie Quest done... Collab with ayakae

by anotherblond07
Pirate Baby!

"Hey, Check out this egg I found..."

by luapoente
Life Improvised : Plans Change

Does travel insurance cover this?

by keng200
Neopets Elemental Puzzles: Air Edition

These puzzles will have you on cloud 9!

by crunchbar98
Deserted Fairground

Oldest Trick in the Book

by miss_creepie
So Much Fun.

"Please fin me the Symols' greatest treasure!" Collab with slashmastahz

by lunensis
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"A Molten Friend" by misspolar
It was dark when the little Starry Zafara awoke. A little too dark. “Drat,” she thought. The clocktower light was out. It was 6 a.m. in Neovia, the sky not yet as light as it should be. You see, in Neovia, the sun almost never shined. The misty town did not stay in total night around the clock, but rather in a grey, dusk-like state when there should be brilliant daylight. The clock tower that loomed over the sleepy town normally served as the main source of light in the sky. Today, not so much. The Starry Zafara hastily rose from the bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and smoothing her fur in one fell motion. She slipped on a cape, and quickly scampered to the door of her small, stone cottage. As the keeper of the clocktower, it was her responsibility to make sure the town’s most important landmark was maintained, and today she had her work cut out for her. It was a bit of a lonely job, but someone had to do it. Scurrying along the quiet cobblestone streets, it was only a short time before she came to a large wooden door at the base of the tower. Her keys jangled as she searched for the near-ancient skeleton key that would unlock it. Finding the right one, the door groaned and ached as it opened, clearly having been resting for quite some time. “I should really get to oiling those hinges,”

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by precious_katuch14


Bringing Spring to Neopia
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Courage in the Kitchen with Chef Rootatouille
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by butterflybandage


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"...Lisha shouted as she dashed after a little Green Ogrin. She had to get it back. She had to! That Wand of Ultranova had been hers for as long as she could remember. It was as much a part of her as her ears."

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"A shy Meerca servant entered the throne room of the Kheruvian palace. Approaching the impressive throne and the intimidating Shadow Gelert, he said, 'Um, King Ammar?'..."

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