Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 194,561,505 Issue: 775 | 31st day of Running, Y19
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Blossoms~ Secrets pt.4

I couldn't tell you exactly what happened...

by twillieblossom
Uncrowned: Part 6

Together, we were unstoppable.

by mucka33
Someone was hungry


Also by vegpire

by keruza

When the Kads Get Picky

I got ya something!

by butterflybandage
Apple Chia

My bad.

by xsugarush
Attack Pea Trouble

What exactly are you learning while at the Training Academy!?

by kittykrueger
The Dainty Nipper

by ktseas
Neopuns: Eyrie

You just had to...

by apocalyptist
Shellshock'd! REBORN p4

It's almost time...

by krabbox
Dinner with the Scarlets: Defender Series 3

Ooh, a new trophy!

by june_scarlet
Daily Dare 2017: The (Unfortunate) Return of Chadley

TNT's announcing the new event, but they forgot to let Abbie know about the new surprise

Also by jinxthebadluckgirl

by glittery4u

Early April's Fools

It's still not April's Fools!! I swear!!

by paraxeno_daimonio
Sunny Side Up: Defenders of Neopia 3

Give 'im the old one-two!

Also by parody_ham

by amarettoball

Good Guy Chadley

They'll never know!

by anne77777
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Defenders of Neopia

The long awaited Defenders of Neopia: Series 3 has finally arrived (as I’m sure we’re all aware)! As promised, Series 3 is going to do things different from the first two series. Instead of being told who the antagonist is and finding the location to be challenged by them, Series 3’s missions play out like a mini-plot. You’re told of a situation going on and tasked to investigate it, following clues and your intuition to discover who’s responsible, defeat them, and resolving the problem. But why explain when I can show!

Other Stories


Before the Rise
The speckled Xweetok didn’t mean to explode the stupid little Bruce’s pencil case. But he’d insulted her glasses, and everyone seemed to forget that part. And then the pencil case exploded completely on its own!

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro


Ilarrah's Inspiration
“Well, of course not. But being a recluse for the rest of time won't help you, either. It's time to try something new. See?” She waved one stitched paw out in front of them, encompassing a wall of cacophony.

by goldmoon_


Storing Your Abominable Snowball
So what is the best way to store your Abominable Snowball for the warmer weather, and what are the optimal ways to care for him or her during the winter months to prepare them for the days ahead? That's what I'm here for!

by alyseth


Since we cannot actually guess what to expect, I’ll tell you the coolest pranks that happened in previous years so you can keep your eyes wide open when the time comes.

by mazaii_3


Defenders Series 3: Siren of the Snows: Part One
In honor of the Defenders Series 3!

by shinkoryu14


Return to Lynwood: Part Six
“Children, come here a moment.” The two boys wasted no time in complying. They seemed to perpetually be in a race with each other, while their older sister took her time descending the stairs. “Millie, darling, it’s all right,” Lexora said. “They won’t hurt us. They’re—our friends.” She shot a smile at Suhel, who returned it.

by cosmicfire918

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