Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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Neopian Book Reviews: Fyoras Rule

Today we're going to do something a little special. Today we're going to talk about Fyora.

by dr_tomoe
Six Reasons Why Map Pieces Aren't Numbered

How many hours have we spent comparing little scraps of paper, counting how many palm trees or Waleins we have?

by gigandetsgirl
What's In A Name?

When you decide to create a new pet, you probably take lots of time choosing the species and picking out their future color. But when it comes to naming your new friend, many of us are at a loss!

by leafyshadow
Shenkuu Warrior II: Grappling Your Way to the Top

Now you too, can conquer and climb every mountain with the princess!

by nighters
The Exhibitor's Usukicon

I have the honor of being the exhibitor liaison for this year's Usukicon, and, as I'm sure you know, the success of this event depends almost entirely on you, our collectors.

by phadalusfish
Questioning the Magma Pool Guard

Today, I'm bringing you an interview with the Magma Pool Guard, that illustrious Tonu that stands between Neopians and their chance to paint their pet a very exclusive magma color.

by impellent
Which Usuki Doll are You?

Find your Usuki Doll Match, Just in Time for the Annual Usuki Doll Convention!

by pinkpaint
Of Shields and Swords

The release of the two newest shields in the Hidden Tower (HT), the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield and the Shield of Faerieland, has added to the consideration of battledomers in planning out their sets and their battling strategies.

by akitera
Waiting for Usukicon - 10 Essentials to Take

My name is Dreamalia and if there is one thing you should know about my owner it's that she's Usuki crazy, or maybe just crazy; it can be hard to tell.

by daughters_ofthe_moon
5 Reject Usukis That Shouldn't Be Rejects

They're simply versions of the popular toys with defects of varying severity. Some people might consider dolls with these defects to be "unlovable," but nothing could be further from the truth.

by lutari_lover_555
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"A Water Plant That Flames Up?" by sara_midnight_24
"I have been thinking about making our family bigger," I said as I hugged her. Foxitta stared with wide eyes at me. "Ya mean you gonna get a baby? To be hew? Wiff me?" Her eyes grew even bigger. Then in a single movement she leaped off my lap and ran down the hall. In a minute she was back, dragging my purse and shoes and shouting, "Come on! Let's go get 'em!" I grinned. She was always so energetic. "Come on!" she yelled impatiently as I...

Other Stories


A Water Plant That Flames Up?
"I have been thinking about making our family bigger," I said as I hugged her. Foxitta stared with wide eyes at me.

by sara_midnight_24


Pabu the Snow-wrangler
The sounds of their footsteps seemed deathly loud as they went farther back in the icy, barren cave. Time seemed to slow down...

by the_kitten_master


Nightfall: Part Three
"I know my comrades, sir," Tuleu said briskly. She snatched the paper from the Techo and tossed in back in the pile. She inhaled, turned to Grant, and asked,

"Who sent you?"

by havittaa


The Game of Master Hog: Part Twelve
'Admirable, but pointless. Judge Hog, no matter how much you try, you will not defeat me.'

by d_morton


Hidden Wonder: More Time
Games are so hard...

by seraphicbrie


Restocking Mishap
The real reason most people get shop banned.

by roxanna203

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