A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,155,419 Issue: 549 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Different Neopets Dreams

There are loads of different, specific Neo-obsessions people have that translate into their everyday life, so much so that players often dream Neopets dreams...

by palidus_tomato
Elderly – What It Is And What It Is Not

Oops... what happened with your young neopet?

Also by sky_lady

by realidade

An Interview with King Skarl

"Don't you know?! My name is King Skarl! First name, King! Last name, Skarl!" roars the King.

by impellent
Neopian Quiz - Hidden Words

This time you are looking for a Neopian word or name hidden within an ordinary phrase.

by daughters_ofthe_moon
5 Things for Usul Contentedness

You can almost say that Usuls of all ages and genders need to be in tip top shape in fashion, athletics, sociability, and intelligence. To give you some information about Usuls, here is an interview with my Usul, Ulusy.

by flotsam43
Colours These Days

How to repel people, confuse the situation and ruin the new colours. Oh, and ruin a lawn.

by bramley_apple_pie
Pie versus Cake: The Sweetest Food Throwdown

Can the cake maintain the undefeated reputation of its mini-me, the cupcake? Or will the pie take a stand and... dare I say it... take the cake?

by seoulful
Silencing an Old Rumor

It is a cry that seems to roll around every time the Altador Cup does: "The game is rigged! The yooyus are helping a specific team!" Is it true?

by kjcanimals
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Silencing an Old Rumor

It is a cry that seems to roll around every time the Altador Cup does: "The game is rigged! The yooyus are helping a specific team!" Is it true? Are these beloved petpets using their position on the yooyuball field to help one team over another? Is the famed "eleventh player on the field" responsible for which team carries away the Cup at the end of the tournament?

Other Stories


Zo Junior's Holiday
"Packing light, Zo? Hey, where will you be going for your holiday?"

Zo chewed his lip a moment. "Moltara," he said finally, with a nod.

by alt1981black


Unwitting Magic
Once upon a time, very long, long ago, in the dry vastness of the Lost Desert, there was an evil sorcerer named Khaten...

by spotlightstarzafara


Finding a Home: Part Two
"Zachary!" Cassie hissed, her eyes going wide. 

"I hear it," he whispered calmly, slowly standing up.

The two of them stood as still as statues, not daring to...

by angelpuss535


The Game of Master Hog: Part Three
Seven different envelopes, each containing a different cryptic riddle. Each signed off with the same two letters.


by d_morton


Random Oddness
Tangeriiine does not advise trying this at home.

by mistyqee


Ventures #18
Inter-Mission Part 5. Featuring the scrap of paper Kougo needs (which just happens to be the most expensive Spooky map).

by neo_coaster363

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