Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,155,419 Issue: 549 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y14
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by mistyqee

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Finding a Home: Part Two
"Zachary!" Cassie hissed, her eyes going wide. 

"I hear it," he whispered calmly, slowly standing up.

The two of them stood as still as statues, not daring to...

by angelpuss535


5 Things for Usul Contentedness
You can almost say that Usuls of all ages and genders need to be in tip top shape in fashion, athletics, sociability, and intelligence. To give you some information about Usuls, here is an interview with my Usul, Ulusy.

by flotsam43


Out of Character- Bad Puns and Funny Faces
I am not sorry for this. Inspired by my friends.

by mizumew


The Scarab and the Sea: Part Ten
Scarblade only laughed – a cold, harsh noise without a trace of joy. "You're in an interesting position to be making demands, Captain Tomos."

by saphira_27

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